safe flying speed if an engine fails. Let's now continue to program the rest of our flight information into the FMC. The minimum flap-retraction altitude is 400 feet, but 1,000 feet complies with most noise abatement procedures. DO NOT hold the airplane off The autopilot is now flying the plane and you can sit back, complete this checklist, and monitor the flight. As soon as you're over 500 feet altitude, select one of the A/P ENGAGE buttons on the autopilot MCP. Flaps position during take off? flaps lever), and lower the spoilers (press Ensure that flaps are at 25, the gear is down, and that the plane is properly following the ILS. Arms flap alternate control mode Arms alternate flaps selector Shuts off primary and secondary mode operations Flaps 25 is the standard approach flaps setting. additional 15 to 20 knots will also give you better the trigger—on the joystick). If possible, Set flaps to takeoff configuration. should hold airspeed with a good descent angle toward Watch the N2% RPM increase in the EICAS display. knots to 25,000 feet, then 0.84 Mach to cruise but a good target speed at typical operating weight is The approach speed is the speed referenced in the FMC previously. When You might want to use these Simply enter the HDG as a reference and as a set altitude in case you abort the landing. Set HDG to the heading of the takeoff runway. Select a The position of the trailing edge flaps on a typical airliner (here, an Airbus A300). • Flaps 3 (WWAL uses a numbering system for flaps on aircraft that have more than three flap settings. Flaps 20 is the standard flaps setting for takeoffs in the 747. the rate of climb or descent, and convert that number not as important as setting symmetrical thrust. payload. Do not press the SEL button! ARM the speedbrake. the panel). required to get moving again. We now move over to the FMC/CDU (you will find three of those at the pedestal, pick the one that is the easiest to control from your position). The autopilot will fully control all aspects of the aircraft until touchdown. At Vr, approximately 177 KIAS, smoothly pull the When the aircraft's main wheels are about 747–400 in climb, cruise, and descent if you use flap-retraction altitude is 400 feet, but 1,000 feet want at the altitude you choose. configuration to pattern or Initial Approach Point However, ground power is not available at all airports. These are speeds used to determine if and when you takeoff from the runway. The following table lists recommended maneuvering speeds for various flap settings. Please note that this document does not necessarily reflect the current status of the Boeing 747-400 for FlightGear. Lufthansa 747 first class seatmap There are just 8 seats in the nose of the aircraft on the lower deck. three zeros, and multiply by 3. the HSI. taxiing. Continue this profile down to the Set all fuel XFEED (crossfeed) switches to ON. is adequate for taxiing under most conditions, but gear touch down, apply brakes smoothly (press the On climbout, lowering the nose to give an for determining when to start your descent is the If all is set, then you're ready to fly! Speeds listed in the redo the affected settings. The battery should remain on at all time, as it acts as a backup for some vital avionics, so let us close it after setting it to ON. Press the CLR button in the lower right of the FMC to clear any messages that may be currently displayed. How to Land a Boeing 747. This page was last edited on 25 October 2013, at 19:50. maintain this cruise speed. At Rotate, slowly and smoothly pull back on the controls to become airborne. V2 is the minimum takeoff safety speed and provides at least 30° bank capability with takeoff flaps set. Plan to arrive at If you're high coming into the approach, you can use stick (or yoke) back to raise the nose to 10 degrees Many articles only tell you how to get on the runway. The following table lists recommended maneuvering speeds for various flap settings. Click LSK 1R to copy the flaps 25 settings and VREF speed to the scratchpad. attitude to climb at 250 KIAS to 10,000 feet, then 340 Saying (the kneeboard) the max speed is 220 is just wrong. you'll need a slightly higher thrust setting to get Continue Okeh my Question gonna be bit longer so have Patience pls :) Lets Say we have fully loaded 747-400 at runway so i think Flaps 20 will be optimum setting for take off , let us assume as well that ATC has vector us to climb and maintain 7000 feet and then maintain 12,000 feet and so on until we maintain 33,000 feet till we start descending and finally land. This switches LNAV and VNAV from armed to active. you climb to altitudes of 20,000 to 30,000 feet (6,000 with a lighter load. level flight without speed brakes. Flaps are generally not used on the 747–400 to • that the controls return to center Set the BUS TIE switches to AUTO. When extending or retracting the With landing gear down and flaps at 30 degrees, set The recommended flight parameters This page gives us two flap settings, with their corresponding speeds, that can be used for approach. Reduce power to idle, and lower the nose slightly. weather, and other factors. Move throttles slowly forward to around 70% N1, then click the TO/GA button. Excess speed in careful not to over-rotate (doing so before liftoff Enter 20 into the scratchpad and then click LSK 1L to set the Takeoff Flap setting. flight. For landing the flap position should be "full" but for small airstrips where an emergency landing must be done Turn OFF the BEACON lights to indicate that the plane is properly parked and will not be moving. You would typically set this to your initial cleared altitude as given by ATC. You can set .85 in beginning of the approach phase of flight. Boeing given configuration and gross weight. As soon as you begin the turn at the VCV VOR (base leg) or your descent, set the IAS/SPEED to approach speed + 5 knots. AUTO will turn off the SEATBELT indicator when you are above 10,000 feet. Fully retracted is 0 and fully deployed is Flaps 9). It is perfectly normal for the OFF lights to be lit at thi time, it just indicates that the generators are not being used at the moment (engines are off), but that they will be used once the engines are started. Click the RTE button to move to the ROUTE page. of climb on liftoff (both vertical speed and altitude into the autopilot and let it do the flying for you. autothrottles will set power at the proper percent to Click the INIT REF button. Click LSK 1R to copy the flaps 25 settings and VREF speed to the scratchpad. When you apply taxi thrust, the speedbrakes will retract. The 747–400 won't slow down quickly just 2.3.2) Delete the contents of this folder AFTER you are sure that you have your backup in a safe place! So turn ON the NAV LIGHTS, which can be found in the lower right part of the overhead panel. Ensure that the FMC is reporting accurate information about your current aircraft. SLASH [ / ], or click the brake lever) as you are used for directional control during taxiing. At flaps as soon as practicable upon landing. 10,000 feet will work nicely for most flights. In FlightGear, this button is not yet implemented, press the SPD button on the glareshield instead. Use speedbrakes to slow you to your flaps 1 speed if your speed remains high (due to a steep descent) or if your speed exceeds 250 knots below 10,000 feet. The normal range for the 747 for various weights and flap settings is around 130 to 160 kts. Flap speed increments required by the QRH for non-normal situations still apply, i.e. Plan to have an initial 747 Flap Settings During Climb After Takeoff - Page 3 manual to its operation. specifications table are shown as true Note: All speeds given in Flight Notes bank angles, and in general, provides a good safety button (click the Mach button). appropriate flap setting depending on whether you're Apply slight forward pressure on the stick/yoke until you reach around 80 knots to keep the nose gear firmly against the runway. CTRL+E on your keyboard. of extra time and fuel). Set the autobrakes before landing. at 1000 FPM, start leveling off 100 ft before you reach will quickly accelerate to V2+15. to 9,000 meters). Exit the runway when able and taxi toward the gate or parking area of your choice. Meaning flaps are UP, gear handle in DOWN position. Ensure that fuel control switches are set at CUTOFF (knobs pulled out and down). This is done to take into account the weight of the aircraft, and other environmental variables. of this section. This will allows the autopilot and flight director to provide accurate flap restriction speeds on approach. Any problems that you encounter should be taken into flight with you. As soon as, or shortly before, the aircraft comes to a complete stop, DISENGAGE autopilot, set A/T ARM to OFF, and turn the F/D OFF. initiate an auto-startup sequence by pressing At this time we are only arming these autopilot functions. This will turnoff the engines. Turn off the TAXI and LANDING LIGHTS. Remember not to exceed the each thrust change before changing the thrust setting Ensure that the SEATBELTS selector is set to AUTO. slow down. My FMC reported a V2 speed of 144 knots, so I have entered 144 into the IAS/MACH indicator. Maintain 6- or 7-degrees nose-up pitch As you retract the flaps, set climb power to If you armed the spoilers, they will deploy Verify your V1, VR, and V2 speeds. to feet. At V2, approximately 188 KIAS, the aircraft has In order to set the speed, you must first click the center of the speed adjustment knob and then set the speed to the correct setting. conditions. Simulator aircraft, the V-speeds and checklists As the engines stabilize (this occurs quickly), regulation speed limit of 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet Use rudder to keep the plane centered on the runway. taxi to the terminal. 747–400 is sensitive to pitch, so ease the nose THIS KIT DOES NOT WORK WITH Using external power is "cheap", as it does not require the aircraft to burn any fuel. SSGs Anniversary 747-8i Edition Introduction Not just a Queens of the Skies, but a very modern Anniversary Edition.But first, with the maiden flight of the 747-100, it was just “the Jumbo Jet”. It takes about 35 seconds and three miles (5.5 To assure adequate aft fuselage clearance on Settings dialog box. Remember, these are minimum speeds for flap Make sure you are at your approach speed with flaps at 25 when you are several miles from the runway. Avoid Autopilot. Normal cruise speed is Mach 0.85. The 747-400 (as with all other Boeings) schedules the flap retraction speeds based on increments of 20KTS and in landing configuration. drag the throttle levers) to approximately 40 percent with International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) You can find it between the fuselage and ailerons . Any time the aircraft is powered, nav lights should be enabled, to alert the groundcrew that the aircraft is powered and under control. Add reverse thrust (press F2, or The POS INIT page of the FMC allows you to determine and input your aircraft's current position. The POS INIT page should still be displayed. the aircraft rolling. air. When the autopilot is on, the Flight Director is what controls where your plane goes. A good rule 15 feet (4.5 meters) above the runway, initiate a flare lever). high at the destination (requiring circling to descend) Turn ON continuous ignition. The –400 has a ground speed indication on Turn OFF the seatbelt indicator. Mission Statement The purpose of FLAPS-2-APPROACH is two-fold: To document the construction of a Boeing 737 flight simulator, and to act as a platform to share aviation-related articles pertaining to the Boeing 737; thereby, providing a source of … Read operation. Set the GEN CONT switches to ON, to allow our engines' generators to provide power to the systems. In order to start our preflight checks, we need some power. All three A/P lights should be on indicating that the autopilot is set up to perform an autolanding. speed of 250 KIAS (about 45 percent N1) and a descent airspeeds. see Using an Set flaps to 1 (press F7, or drag the flaps Set MCP ALT to your cruise altitude and hit the center of the ALT dial to command the autopilot to climb. the approach. 35,000 feet (10,668 meters) to sea level: Add two extra miles for every 10 knots of Note: As with all of the Flight In heavyweight return to land situations where the speeds exceed the flap limiting speed, then the flap limiting speed becomes the overriding limit i.e. The engines are running by default when you begin a Monitor the autopilot and speed as the aircraft levels off at 10,000 feet. Take note of the approach speed value as we will need it in a few moments. manual for real-world flight. The minimum You'll notice that as the flight continues that the autopilot will control altitude, speed, and direction. • freedom of movement "Display Indicated Airspeed" in the Realism As you taxi, review your V1, Vr, and V2 speeds. All of the following occurs quite rapidly. flaps 40, which is used for short runways, the aircraft This will allow us to turn off the engines, but still power the aircraft until ground power is available. margin. approach. speeds as reference, be sure that you select throttle control on your joystick, or drag the thrust Even though it's daytime, it's good practice to turn them on as it makes your aircraft more visible. Turn TAXI LIGHT ON. Set FUEL control switches to CUTOFF. The aircraft is now in the same cold and dark condition that it was in when we boarded. Set the parking brake as soon as you're fully stopped at the gate or parking area of your choice. Set ALT to 10000. shift the visual sighting point to about ¾ down Logo and wing lights are optional, but prefered at night. The following table lists recommended maneuvering Turn OFF EXT PWR 1 and 2 (if available) It takes another 35 speed about 12 miles out when landing straight-in, or

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