“Healthy gums should appear shrimp-colored pink,” says Dan Carmichael, DVM, DAVDC and board-certified veterinary dentist at the Animal Medical Center. This is why if your dog has been acting sickly, your vet will skip the nose and go straight to the mouth. Then, if your dog ever shows any abnormalities, you should be on your way to the vet without wasting time. We have a large dog, Rhodesian Ridgeback, 10yrs I think, anyway, Bruce has not been eating like normal, been very sluggish, and just not acting like himself, today my daughter noticed his gums are white, I never thought about checking his gums, We have an appt with the vet at the end of the week, do you suggest taking him asap? When this color and other normal gum attributes change, such as moistness and temperature, it can mean that something is wrong and should be further examined by a veterinarian. Our almost 7 month Jack-a-bee has had on and off pale gums and tongue for two days nows. If the gums are blue, the dog lacks oxygen. For pale pink or white gums, a dog may need a blood transfusion due to anemia or blood loss. The normal color of your dog’s poop should be close to a chocolate brown color. Most dogs have gums that are of a healthy bubble gum sort of salmon pink color. Does your dog have any of these abnormalities as you are reading this article? I use counterconditioning to accomplish this. I like to train young puppies to get accustomed to having their mouth inspected from an early age. Thank you. When the tea becomes cool, dip a cotton swab in it and apply the swab in your dog’s swollen gums. When your dog’s gums turn this color, it can mean a few things. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on January 03, 2020: Debbien Blue, you really need to take your dog to the vet for a check-up. Normal gums should be a bubble gum pink color. Lack of oxygen, trouble breathing, pneumonia, asthma, choking, heart disease, low blood pressure, and/or hypothermia, Exposure to toxins, heat stroke, high blood pressure, and/or carbon monoxide poisoning, Topical irritation (such as from chewing a new toy), gingivitis, and/or infection, Liver problem, anemia, and/or massive destruction of red blood cells, Anemia, heart problems, blood clotting disorder, internal bleeding, kidney disease, shock, bloat, rat poison, heavy metal poison, cancer, and/or hypothermia. If so, please stop reading and take your dog to vet! Adrienne Farricelli (author) on August 09, 2016: Charlotte, please have your vet take a peek, if these areas were another color before, it could be a sign of periodontal disease or some other disorder of the mouth. Capillary refill time may sound like a complicated term, but it's nothing more than the time it takes for the color of your dog's gums to return to normal after enough pressure is applied to cause blanching. According to Pet Education, a prolonged capillary refill time (more than 2 seconds) signifies that the blood is not flowing adequately. Of course, it's also an interesting read for those who, like me, are intrigued about learning more about how the dog's body works! I'm worry. Find specific dog breeds that contain the color and pattern you want. Yellow semen indicates urine contamination, and urine is toxic to sperm. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on August 06, 2017: Kate, no home remedies for such serious symptoms, I hope you saw your vet ASAP! I never check my own dog's gums because thank goodness she is very active and healthy. Today my dog had poop with fresh blood all over it. Acting completely normal, eating drinking, no vomit, using the bathroom.... We are so confused. Lift the upper lip to observe the color of the gums just above the upper canine teeth. In a normally hydrated dog, the gums will be slick and wet. Frontiers In Veterinary Science, vol 6, 2020. We are two LOW income college students. Forget … Read more I am Your Dog’s Gums All of her bloodwork came back fine and they gave her iv fluid in her neck. But then, a true geek would probably spend a month getting their system up and running, have it down for maintenance every other week, and give up because it s all too much work two … Is it due to age? Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 31, 2016: Hi Joy, not sure how it can be pink and pale at the same time. If she is happy and healthy it's likely not a problem, but something worthy to have checked by the vet just to err on the side of caution even more so if she's acting sick or odd. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. However, none of these problems are fatal if you treat them in a timely manner. Gums have many small blood vessels called capillaries. Upon removing your finger, you'll notice how the tissue will appear briefly white until the normal pink color returns, preferably within 1.5 seconds. They can easily turn to a different color or a different tone of red. he drinks water too but after his morning walk.

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