Writings on the epistemology of trust obviously bear on the issue ofwhen trust is warranted (i.e. Again, on this view as well, whether the disposition in question is there in virtue of good will or not is inconsequential. Origgi, Gloria. If that is the case, telling the truth will be default for hearers, therefore, trust will be default for hearers. 2006. However, according to Jones, that cannot be right: after all, we are often required to be untrustworthy in one respect or another—for instance, because of conflicting normative constraints—but it cannot be that being vicious is ever required. ‘What Is It to Believe Someone?’ In. 64–106). Predictive trust involves merely reliance in conjunction with a belief that the trustee will take care of things (namely, a prediction). ‘How Competence Matters in Epistemology’. An example of such a further (non-doxastic) attitude, on non-doxastic accounts, is optimism. Quite a few important debates about trust turn on the matter of whether a doxastic account or a non-doxastic account is correct. Hieronymi, Pamela. ‘Testimony, Trust, and Social Norms’. A third kind of account—the performance-theoretic account of trust (Carter 2020a, 2020c)—makes no essential commitment as to whether trusting involves belief. To see this, consider the case of a convicted felon and his mother: it looks as though they can have a goodwill-based relationship, and thus be trustworthy within the scope thereof, while, at the same time, not being someone whom we would describe as trustworthy (Potter 2002: 8). ‘. Perceptions of news sharers' … Suppose we enjoy eating together regularly, you describe your plans for the next day, I say how much I’m looking forward to it, and so on. Since this is so, and since hearers are plausibly criticism-averse, it makes sense to have a norm that imposes an obligation on the hearers to believe what they are being told (absent defeat). ‘Interlocution, Perception, and Memory’. 2014. A prudent mitigation against the additional risk incurred (for instance, that the car will be wrecked in the process) will be to buy some additional insurance upon entrusting the teenager with the car. 2020a. What we need is a solution that avoids both (A) and (B) – maintaining credit for testimony based beliefs – showing that the dilemma in question is a false one. 1990. Katherine Hawley (2014, 2019) rejects the idea that what distinguishes trust from mere reliance has anything to do with the trustee’s motives or goodwill. ‘The Place of Testimony in the Fabric of Knowledge and Justification’. According to Goldberg, our obligation toward speakers is weaker than presumption-based accounts would have it: in the typical case of testimony, what we owe to the speakers is not to outright believe them, but rather to properly assess their speech act epistemically. It refers to the ethical relation between the Ego-Alter and has deep roots in daily life. According to them, trustworthiness is a disposition to fulfil one’s obligations. In particular, the problem is with premise (3), which is not supported by (1) and (2) (Simion 2020b). In addition, rationality is more a matter of how one believes than whatone believes. Importantly, to establish a presumption of trustworthiness, you need to make a case for an epistemic entitlement to believe. For example, on Jones’ (1996) view, you trust your neighbour to bring back the garden tools you loaned her only if you are optimistic that she will bring them back, and regardless of whether you believe she will. What the defender of the Problem of Cooperation needs, then, for validity, is to replace (P1) with the stronger (P1*): Hearers are interested in truth; speakers are only interested in being believed. On the performance-theoretic account, what is essential to the attitude of trusting is how it is normatively constrained. Hawley’s is a negative account of trustworthiness, which means that one can be trustworthy while avoiding commitments as far as possible. 5.0 out of 5 stars. H believes that S recognizes H’s trusting dependence on S proving informative; 2. This belief, some think, conjoined with the fact that your colleague tells you they will return your laptop, gives you a reason to believe that they will return your laptop. 2020b. A strong line here defends (3) by maintaining that all achievements (including evil achievements and “trivial” achievements) are finally valuable, because successes because of ability (no matter what the success, no matter what the ability used) have a value that is not reducible to just the value of the success. According to Hawley, in practice, through friendship, work and other social engagements we take on meta-commitments—commitments to incur future commitments. ‘Trust and Antitrust’. ‘Testimonial Contractarianism: A Knowledge-First Social Epistemology’. It is easy to see that social contract views do well in accounting for trustworthiness in three-place trust relations: George is trustworthy when it comes to washing the dishes, on this view: he makes good on his commitments in virtue of social norms making it such that it is in his best interest to do so. Audi, Robert. We might think of two-place (X trusts Y) trust as derived from three-place trust (X trusts Y to phi) in a way that is broadly analogous to how one might extract a diachronic view of someone on the basis of discrete interactions, as opposed to starting with any such diachronic view. In this, he is trustworthy when it comes to treating his employees well, but not trustworthy when it comes to treating them well for the right reason. Politics & Society 1993 21: 4, 505-529 Download Citation. Katherine Dormandy is an assistant professor of philosophy at the Institute for Christian Philosophy and Digital Science Center, University of Innsbruck and works on epistemology, the philosophy of trust, and the philosophy of religion. Conversely, to distrust someone to do something is to believe that she has a commitment to doing it, and yet not rely upon her to meet that commitment. One explanation here turns on the distinction between (i) mitigating against the risk that trust will be betrayed; and (ii) mitigating against the extent or severity of the harm or damage incurred if trust is betrayed. University of Glasgow Customer reviews. On the simpler, straightforward incarnation of this view, when A trusts B to do X, A believes that B will do X. To the extent that this involves a commitment on your part, it seems reasonable for me to feel betrayed and expect apologies if one day you fail to bring lunch and I go hungry (Hawley 2014: 10). That is because being interested in being believed does not exclude also being interested in telling the truth. Alternatives to Suspicion and Trust as Conditions for Challenge in … ‘The Effects of Training Social Perceivers to Detect Deception from Behavioral Cues’. So, according to Faulkner, our interest, qua speakers’, is being believed, because we have a more basic interest in influencing others. Wanderer, Jeremy. Last but not least, a fourth reaction to Faulkner’s problem of cooperation for testimonial exchanges is scepticism (Graham 2012a; Simion 2020b); on this view, the problem does not get off the ground to begin with. Even if trust is both successful and competent, however, there remains a sense in which it could fall short of the third kind of evaluative standard—namely, aptness. H presumes that if S recognizes H’s expectation that S should prove informative, then, other things being equal, S will prove informative for this reason; 4. Audi, Robert. In this section, we discuss norms on trusting by looking at these two kinds of norms—that govern the truster and the trustee, respectively—in turn. Another worry for these accounts is that, while plausible as accounts of trustworthiness simpliciter, they give counterintuitive results in cases of two-place trustworthiness: indeed, whether George is trustworthy when it comes to washing the dishes or not seems not to depend on his goodwill, nor on other such noble motives. 2009. deTurck, Mark A., Janet J. Harszlak, Darlene J. Bodhorn, and Lynne A. Texter. A second strand of arguments against three-place fundamentalism is owed to Domenicucci and Holton (2017). J. Adam Carter 2014.

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