So you need to have a good and reliable source of income. Check local to see if there’s any suspects (yellow / orange) or war targets (flashy red) first. That’s 470m per hour at 1k ISK/LP, but since we’re a bit more realistic, I’d say it’s closer to 280-380m ISK per hour at more conservative ISK/LP values. “error”: “invalid_scope”, Some players choose it purely on role-playing grounds, while others look at the current state of each war zone (such each faction's tieror how active the enemy militia is) and try to maximise their profit, … This begins with increased Loyalty Point payouts for PvP kills made during Faction Warfare. You now have to pay a fee for each data core retrieved and future updates to the game are supposed to remove data cores from R&D agents entirely. Here are some of the things I have gleened from information I found. Welcome to EVE, where the old, dedicated developers slowly get involved more in their respective real-lifes or find better games, while new users just expect things given to them instead of developing on their own. ISK/h: 145 mill. Botters simply don’t care if you kill their 300k ISK … From our experience, you can earn an average of 2.5 billion ISK per week with as little effort as possible. That’s a topic for another post, however, and almost all players engage in some sort of PvE activity to … Pandemic Legion: Posted - 2008.06.18 10:00:00 - Honestly do ganking until your sec runs out. EVE Online: 3 BILLION ISK in 2 hours from Abyssal Dark Sites - YouTube. You can mine in null making around 20 million ISK without a fleet, or mine in high making 12 million while doing something else on another character making even more. Build 4.0.6722.39825 - Previous builds and versions are no longer compatible and the updater will not update them. Each Faction offers a set of Datacores within the LP Stores of their Factional Warfare Militia corporations, costing 250.000 ISK and 250 Loyalty points for 5 Datacores. Works quite well for me so far. Your choices may be driven by … bei System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) EVE Isk Per Hour (EVE IPH) is an industry program that allows players of EVE Online to determine ways to maximize their Isk per Hour through manufacturing, invention, reactions, and mining. Same … Assuming average 1000 isk/lp payout. Somebody should have tried to update it on their own a long time ago I guess. This values were calculated as described in the linked blog post. I also run all the Storyline missions with my favorite being the Kernite ones, so getting a few of those every week helps as well. 1 2 3 Next page Last page Is 180b isk per week from factional warfare normal? For example, the Raven Navy Issue is listed at around 400 ISK/LP while Caldari Navy Thorium Charge is listed at around 1350 ISK/LP. Any figures here are merely a guide and should be treated with appropriate caution, ideally being checked before you blow all your LP buying something that's been manipulated. Only about ~50 people per faction do it on any kind of regular basis. bei Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject[T](String value) During those 291 missions, I died 9 times. by Raktak Takrak July 22, 2016. I'd say they make maybe 10-15 million ISK per hour by flipping novice/small plexes, dealing with PVP situations, and losing ships. It means, that a full team of experienced players is needed. Security missions are filled with NPCs to blow up and bounties to collect, and once you work your way up to level 4 missions, you'll be able to rake in at least 20 million ISK per hour. I am quite excited to all… OpEd: Rens is Dying. EVE Isk per Hour - Application Registration Instructions . CCP hf. Including screenshots are always the best way to get a problem fixed! Extreme Troll Slayer... FMAR The Illuminati. As a new player and Alpha Clone you need to find reliable ways to make ISK and Mining is one of the most reliable. A … … A recent battle in EVE Online brought the cost of in-game warfare to new heights by incurring losses of 23 trillion ISK. Over this past weekend Caldari and Gallente forces crashed in Aivonen, a longstanding CalMil stronghold. If that’s the case, remember that piracy, in one form or another, is always an option in EVE. During those 291 missions, I died 9 times. Most missions can be completed in under 3 minutes. Guide to making quick easy isk from Faction Warfare Missions. tl;dr CCP threw the baby out with the bath water with the FW plex changes. Hello. You can view screenshots of the program here. This means it should only take about roughly 50 hours of plexing to get roughly 1bil which isn't … So you need to have a good and reliable source of income. Security missions are filled with NPCs to blow up and bounties to collect, and once you work your way up to level 4 missions, you'll be able to rake in at least 20 million ISK per hour. Setting up IPH to use ESI requires program registration. Now, in Faction Warfare you can almost always beat your foe by being more persistent; by flying smarter, or simply rushing onto the breach with suicidal abandon. Version 4.0 is the latest update to implement the new changes to EVE APIs as well as addition of the new Upwell Structures. Take this page as a rough indicator of how profitable the activities can be. Amarr Empire: 1,568,391 ships destroyed and 1,208,845 ships lost. Those 291 missions took me 28 in-game hours to do and generated an average of 474,586 LP per hour. His ship is fit to kill the rat quickly while offensively plexing (oplex) and often unfit for defensive plexing … Exploration (Data and Relic in High-Sec) exploring-ruins-and-hacking-data-centersRegion: High SecRequired ISK: 15-20 millISK/h: 3 mill. That’s a losing fight. Please use this forum thread , join the EVE IPH Discord Channel or email to ask questions, report bugs, or provide feedback and feature requests. The following are patch notes for this update. One thing though: { Are ANY of them correct? A quick disclaimer: I am by far not an expert in many of the described activities, so there might be more efficient ways of doing things than I did. This is the info that I use. November 14, 2016 - Alpha Clones, Mining - 10 comments. bei EVE_Isk_per_Hour.Character.LoadCharacterData(Int64 CharacterID, SavedTokenData& TokenData, Boolean LoadBPs, Boolean LoadAssets) One suggestion though - can you please add an option to exclude reactions from manufacturing calculations and use market prices for top-tier moongoo mats instead? All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, storylines, world facts or other recognizable features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf. Unfortunately I have to base this guide from my experience with Gallente missions. Faction Warfare Guide #1. If you always hear in your head "tic toc tic toc ISK per hour" then you are not enjoying the game, you are having a second job earning ISK, that is no fun. bei EVE_Isk_per_Hour.frmSetCharacterDefault.btnSelectDefault_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) They don’t get tired, they don’t get upset. YOUR CHOICE! EVE - Isk per Hour is a Windows program that allows players of EVE Online to determine ways to maximize their Isk per Hour through manufacturing, mining, invention, and reverse engineering. that means i have to do something for 1 hour and then it takes 1 week to reap the rewards :P-----Fighting for Minmatar o7 Yes... this is my main. No, the Zainou 'Gypsy' Weapon Disruption WD-903 is not worth 36,000 ISK per … You’ll receive an apology letter in about 8 years when his first kid is old enough to apologize for interrupting the srsbsns of internet spaceships. EVE Isk Per Hour (EVE IPH) is an industry program that allows players of EVE Online to determine ways to maximize their Isk per Hour through manufacturing, invention, reactions, and mining. Is it balanced? Parametername: value I need to figure out how I get the Manufacturing list to use my ME/TE values and not the standard 2/4 values consistently. GoonSwarm exploit five trillion ISK from Eve Online’s Faction Warfare mechanics, gloat about it. Thanks for update!!! bei EVE_Isk_per_Hour.Public_Variables.LoadSelectedCharacter(String CharacterName, Boolean PlaySound) Also, 2000 ISK is ment to show what is possibile with Factional Warfare per hour, and I think it does it pretty well. It is a terrible mistake to measure your success in EVE Online in wealth (ISK + the ISK value of “stuff”) per Hour. Anomaly Ratting (multiboxing 3 accounts) anomaly-ratting Region: Null Sec Required ISK: 250 mill ISK/h: 100 mill. The profit per month also changes a lot with the season. bei System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) EVE Online How To Convert Loyality Points to ISK for Big . Virtually everything in EVE is player built, using resources gathered or salvaged by capsuleers. bei EVE_Isk_per_Hour.EVEIndustryJobs.UpdateIndustryJobs(Int64 ID, SavedTokenData CharacterTokenData, ScanType JobType) So, your only limits are the boundaries of your imagination. You can find [Part 1 Here]. EVE IPH is the most comprehensive industry program in EVE … The manufacturing list tab is one I haven't used very often, however It can be extrememly beneficial to utilize it. This activity is completely anti-competitive and anti-social. By cobillswilhum1982 Follow | Public (Redirected from How to earn ISK) Once players have completed the Tutorial they need to find their own way in New Eden. Or reinstall IPH and start it all over. If the activity has several level available (e.g. I do run the Enemies faction mission, but I only got one this week (today actually, which is why my ISK/hour went up this morning). Assuming hauler and perfect boosts. November 14, 2016 - Alpha Clones, Mining - 10 comments. Try putting 20 total runs in and see how it changes, Thx for the work! One of the best ways to make quick ISK in EVE is Market Trading and as an Alpha Clone you can use it to either make Passive ISK or do… Read Post → Alpha Clone Mining Venture = 4+ Million ISK per Hour. bei System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) Four empires dominate the central regions of New Eden, ruled by the Amarr, Caldari, Gallente, and Minmatar races. In fact if it takes more, you're doing it wrong. bei EVE_Isk_per_Hour.Character.LoadDefaultCharacter(Boolean LoadBPs, Boolean LoadAssets) How To Exchange LP to ISK 2000+ ISK per Loyalty Point - Presented in 4k - EVE Online Live - Duration: 3:17:38. markeedragon 23,504 views. In the meantime, please enjoy some effective Factional Warfare fittings for Gallente ships - both for plexing and for small … It is written for people that have played the game for a little while and are familiar with some of the terms used in Eve. There are many ways to make ISK in Eve, but most required a lot of SP and time investment in order to work. Which militia (Amarr, Caldari, Gallente or Minmatar) you choose is very much up to you. This will allow you to start looking for and getting into fights. 800 people in total at most, ever, out of ~30000 listed participants. bei System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) Exploration (Data and Relic in Low-Sec) exploring-ruins-and-hacking-data-centersRegion: Low SecRequired ISK: 15-80 millISK/h: 13 mill, 13. Error Tracking: Same comment i’ve made to the nice guy that reworked your soft: you can’t select actual barges / exhumers in the mining window. If that’s the case, remember that piracy, in one form or another, is always an option in EVE. Belt Ratting in Nullbelt-ratting/Region: Null SecRequired ISK: 15-20 millISK/h: 14 mill, 12. 4. Distribution Missions (LV 1-4) mission-running-distribution-missionsRegion: High SecRequired ISK: 1,5-100 millISK/h (LV 1/2/3/4) : 2/5/8/16 mill, 11. This page gives a quick overview of all ISK making activities that I covered in this blog, ordered by the ISK per hour value of the activity. That said there is travel time to consider, the missions are typically 15-20 jumps from the agent and are always in the opposing militia's low sec … No warranty is given for any purpose. Instructions are located here: Users must add characters into IPH one at a time due to limitations with ESI. Personally, I don't think 10-15 million ISK per hour is enough to warrant flipping plexes - and I can understand why so many players leave when a faction is … Those who continue grinding plexes in a T1 faction make less than 30 million isk per hour. Same as above. The work around is to register with an account that has paid for at least one month without plex, ESI is slow in some places and will be looked at for possible improvements in a future release, Completely rebuilt the processing for facilities to enable future updates for structures. mission agents), ISK per hour values are posted for all levels. Even if you kill them a hundred times, they simply flow back into the warzone like water. Buddy invites and rewards from other players, EVE Isk Per Hour Industry Program - Version 4.0,, EVE IPH now uses ESI to make all API calls. He can afford to lose a few 3M ISK plex ships and his profit margin is huge. You'll make 3 times as much buying ammo, which is way easier to transport around and probably way easier to sell. Signup through this link to support this blog. bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) I added all need scope from manual, but have error. Highsec Ratting: negligible Ice Mining: 20-30 mil per hour. Virtually everything in EVE is player built, using resources gathered or salvaged by capsuleers. It's all about how you want to do it. bei Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(String value, Type type, JsonSerializerSettings settings) FW security missions are a bit different from 'normal' security missions, this guide will be focussing on the differences of FW … The list (ordered by ISK / hour values descending): 1. Faction Warfare 400m+ and hour Incursions 200m with solid group Passive Monthly: Trading Buy low sell High I have made 200m in 1 hour selling Ship skins PI I can make 1B+ with 3 character in lowsec and 500m+ per character in null/WH T2 industry if you have it or cheap T2 copies of fighters Use the Manage Accounts or Add Character options from the file menu to assist, All registration information, client id, secret keys, etc. Eve Online Isk Gambling. run Faction Warfare plexes. PVP-centric shift in rewards & content richness. You can view screenshots of the program here. Rescuing rookies from high-sec is what she calls it. However, this payout comes only with great investment. Well, I got a few thoughts on what that might be, but it is pure guesswork, so I think it’s better to wait for the answer from a more knowledgeable source ), Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Plexes have been way worse isk per hour than faction war mission running for a long time (which I don't understand, since missions promote a lot less interaction), and after this change you'd have to be crazy to even consider plexing over mission running as a source of LP. In Faction Warfare, at most 200 people per faction actually participate in the war for system control as such, i.e. EVE Forums » EVE Communication Center » EVE General Discussion » Is 180b isk per week from factional warfare normal? i could really use IPH back! That’s 470m per hour at 1k ISK/LP, but since we’re a bit more realistic, I’d say it’s closer to 280-380m ISK per hour at more conservative ISK/LP values. Only ~10 people per faction plex at any given moment. If you want to put in specific bug reports or feature requests - please use this thread or Github here. These values can of course change over time by fluctuating market prices. Seems that esi callback or something is broking. I do run the Enemies faction mission, but I only got one this week (today actually, which is why my ISK/hour went up this morning). IPH will not save or store any of the information users use to register the program except in a text file named “AppRegistrationInformation.xml” in the installation or working folder, There may be problems with registering the program with an account that has only been paid for by plex. Fuel costs go crazy in this case. The ISK that you will earn per hour will highly rely on the location where you will carry out your business. There are only security missions available, so you will always have to shoot NPCs. },[-CUT-]&scope=esi-skills.read_skills.v1esi-assets.read_assets.v1esi-characters.read_standings.v1esi-characters.read_agents_research.v1esi-industry.read_character_jobs.v1esi-characters.read_blueprints.v1esi-assets.read_corporation_assets.v1esi-corporations.read_blueprints.v1esi-industry.read_corporation_jobs.v1, Appreciate your hard work on the IPH. Cal/Gal Micro Update – Plex Warfare in Aivonen. bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) However, if I filter, for instance, for the Deimos, I see the 2 different ME/TE values in the list, but after I remove the filter, the list shows only 2 2/4 BPs after a recalculation. Mining Missions (LV 1-4) mission-running-mining-missionsRegion: High SecRequired ISK: 2-30 millISK/h (LV 1/2/3/4) : 1/5/8/7, 14. These are qualities that we try to instil in our pilots. EVE Online, the EVE logo, EVE and all associated logos and designs are the intellectual property of CCP hf. The main webpage to download the program and get started is here! The average time to pick up missions was 26 minutes and to run them took an average of 65 minutes, totalling 91 minutes per cycle. If there’s loads about, move somewhere else. bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) by Ignacio Daimon July 19, 2016. The average time to pick up missions was 26 minutes and to run them took an average of 65 minutes, totalling 91 minutes per … I appreciate your Feedback (I might change the value on the Public sheet to something lower in the future) Fly safe :) I averaged about 15-20 mil per hour plexing some are higher some lower but that was my average on just 1 account with 3 characters. Some involve more risks but deliver greater profit per hour. During winter, fall or after a major release login numbers are high and I can easily make 10+ billion ISK in profit per month, while during spring and summer the profit decreases, because people don’t play Eve so much, since they have better things to do than internet spaceship piloting. Each race offers three variants, which allows you to further customize your character to fit your vision of their backstory. Finding your own style is important since boredom will keep you from logging in to play. As a new player and Alpha Clone you need to find reliable ways to make ISK and Mining is one of the most reliable. This comes to 1,25 billion ISK / hour. EVE IPH is the most comprehensive industry program in EVE Online! High Sec Regional Trading regional-trading-in-high-secRegion: High secRequired ISK: 50.000+ millISK/h: 1.000 mill, 2. Carrier Ratting carrier-ratting Region: Null Sec Required ISK: 2.000 mill ISK/h: 95 mill. Consider hostiles as well. For more in-dept… Any player can join Factional Warfare provided that their standings towards the empire faction they wish to fight for is 0.0 or greater. It has been said many times: in EVE, ISK is more important than skill points. To fully stock the four regional hubs with the items from my list takes around 50-60 billion ISK in active sell orders. An enormous guide to Gallente Factional Warfare is in the works, due for publication in December 2013 sometime in 2014. Faction warfare (often abbreviated as FW) is a game mechanic whereby you can sign up to fight for one of the four empire factions (against its enemy faction) for control over certain areas of low-sec space.It was first introduced in the Empyrean Age expansion (2008) to offer players a stepping-stone into PvP (player-vs-player) gameplay.. Salvaging salvaging-in-null-security-spaceRegion: Null SecRequired ISK: 10-50 millISK/h: 15-30 mill, 10. Emerging Conduitsemerging-conduitsRegion: High SecRequired ISK: 180 millISK / h : 50/45/60 mill per player (for 1 to 3 players), 7. No issues with the registration. Author Previous Topic Next Topic: Kern Hotha. Faction Warfare (abbreviated as FW) is a game mechanic whereby you sign up to fight for one of the four empire factions (against its enemy faction) for control over certain areas of low-sec space.. That’s probably because you need less materials, then reactions create in one run. bei EVE_Isk_per_Hour.Corporation.LoadCorporationData(Int64 CorporationID, Int64 CharacterID, SavedTokenData CharacterTokenData, Boolean RefreshAssets, Boolean RefreshBlueprints) Faction Warfare. Finding your own style is important since boredom will keep you from logging in to play. I collected stats for 291 FW missions. There are two ways to join Factional Warfare (the game calls this \"enlisting\"): join as a solo player, or join as part of a player corporation or alliance. Faction Warfare : A Complete Newbro Walkthrough | EVE OnlineGetting up and running in eve as a brand new player can be a little tricky. How to fly it. Anomaly Ratting (multiboxing 3 accounts)anomaly-rattingRegion: Null SecRequired ISK: 250 millISK/h: 100 mill, 5. Anomaly Ratting (single account)anomaly-rattingRegion: Null SecRequired ISK: 250 millISK/ h: 45 mill, 8. Faction Warfare: 50-200 mil per hour. Mirrors and enables advanced search options to browse the EVE-Online forums. EVE Online is one of the internet's most involved online experiences, simulating a deep and complex sci-fi galaxy with an in-depth economy and large-scale conflicts between in-game factions. Emerging Conduits emerging-conduits Region: High Sec Required ISK: 180 mill ISK / h : 50/45/60 mill per player (for 1 to 3 players) 7. Please … 6. Each activity also lists a rough estimate of the ISK you need to get started as described in the post. Now all facilities have a ‘Structure’ option that allows users to select an Upwell structure of their choice and displays base bonuses, When selecting structures, users will also see a ‘Fitting’ button to allow them to open the structure fitting window to fit rigs and modules just as in game, The ME/TE/Cost bonuses of any rigs or items added will update for the BPs they provide bonuses to for saved Facilities. As mentioned throughout last year, there will be changes to Faction Warfare in EVE Online to improve the overall experience of Capsuleers engaging with this feature. 7. level 2. If you want to support this project: Patreon and Paypal. The world of industry in Eve Online can often be met with where to get the best deals on materials and the most important question...what to build. EVE ISK Per Hour: Part 2 The other day I posted a basic overview of IPH's "blueprint" and "update prices" tabs. Select your corporation, to see what ratio of isk to lp you can get with your corporation's LP. isk per hour ... mmmm i make around 300+ mil per hour each week from invention. One very effective way – especially for pilots in Factional Warfare – is to run Factional Warfare missions. Introduction: Hello everyone and welcome to Snitch Ashor’s guest fit about a nasty little ship that drops the 70% TD hammer on unexpecting brawlers. They can be compared to Raiding in World of Warcraft and other similar MMORPGs. Security Missions (LV 1-4)security-missions-part-iiisecurity-missions-part-iimission-running-security-mission-part-iRegion: High SecRequired ISK: 15-600 (2000) millISK/h (LV 1/2/3/4) : 2/7/12/35(45) mill, 9. Faction Warfare Missions - 150-250M ISK per hour Faction Warfare plexing - up to 1B ISK per hour ; Incursions - are one of the most advanced methods of earning ISK in EVE Online. A (dated) tutorial is located here. Since Eve Online: Inferno was released, the Goonswarm have been busy. I think I had IPH load my owned blueprints. No you roll two toons with covert ops V, torps V, fit hounds, earn 200-250k lp an hour along with about 25mill isk an hour running L4 missions for a whooping total of about 250-275mill isk an hour Do this for 3 hours one day a week, spend rest … So if you enjoy mining, kudos to you mine all the time if you enjoy it, but if you don't then do what you find fun doing. The combat variants are rare, but you can usually pickup 40-60m in bounties and tags. with the inclusion of reactions in the manifacture something goes crazy, for example see the retribution where the raw mats cost are totally crazy and no sense. Note, invention time and cost bonuses will be implemented in a future release, A new ‘Reaction’ facility has been added to the facility interface, Users must save the facility on the facility interface and the fitting window separately to get full bonuses and save the facility fitting, POS arrays no longer provide bonuses as a result of the November 2017 game update, Outposts will be updated to the new faction citadels in a future release, The NoPOS was removed from the manufacturing tab, Faction Warfare system levels will now show up on each facility selected in Faction Warfare space, All reactions can be selected from the blueprint and manufacturing tabs, The Reaction tab has been temporarily disabled and will be updated in a future release, Profit for unrefined reactions will be added to the new Reaction tab update, All Outpost construction data has been removed from blueprints, Users can download prices from EVE Marketer in place of the loss of EVE Central, The invention success monitor has been removed, Fixed a bug that allowed broker fees and taxes to be calculated incorrectly when unchecked on the BP tab, For installations from the msi installer, IPH should no longer require administrator rights to run, Updated to the March2018Release_1.0 images and database. Look for this Youtube channel for future updates! Before joining Faction Warfare, you should at least be able to fly a frigate with the "holy trinity" of midslot PvP modules (a MWD/AB, a scram or warp disruptor, and a web). EVE also allows an unlimited number of free accounts to be created, each with three potential characters. EVE - Isk per Hour is a Windows program that allows players of EVE Online to determine ways to maximize their Isk per Hour through manufacturing, mining, invention, and reverse engineering. This combined with the fact that a faction frigate costs only 10k LP + a dirt cheap tag means it's around 50-60M isk per mission in LP alone. Guristas Epic Arcmission-running-the-guristas-epic-arc Region: Null SecRequired ISK: 55 millISK/h: 145 mill, 4. 5. So the fact that life became more important to him than managing what amounts to an unpaid job somehow offends you? How to Earn ISK in Eve Online. This resource is designed for new and experienced Eve Online Gallente Militia pilots, fighting for the Federation in factional warfare. But trying to fight off bots? There are many ways to make ISK in Eve, but most required a lot of SP and time investment in order to work. Though I am very much aware it is the upper end. Mission farmers don’t cooperate with other players and they avoid confrontation or any activity leading up to the high tier, preferring to just switch their mission pulling alts depending on which faction is currently at high tier. I also run all the Storyline missions with my favorite being the Kernite ones, so getting a few of those every week helps as well. Find a novice or small plex in a system controlled by the Gallente Federation – the ‘blue’ systems on the Factional Warfare menu. In this article, I will go over the many ways to earn ISK that are available to players in Eve Online. The activity is very, very lucrative in terms of ISK per hour. EVE IPH is the most comprehensive industry program in EVE Online! So as of right now you should be making anywhere between 5-25mil per hour with novice complexes and 12-24mil per hour with small complexes. At 1000 ISK per LP, a low rate of return, this earns the farmer 30M ISK. In an hour, running smalls, the farmer earns 120M ISK. Even new pilots can do this with just a couple months of training under their belts in the correct places. In most highsec systems, ratting isn’t particularly worth bothering with, while in deep nullsec it can provide tens of millions of ISK per hour. I have followed the instructions to the T. Hi, The farmer is seldom interested in PVP; motivated solely by profit. Additionally, EVE allows three characters per account, so there's room for experimentation. Raw Error Text: System.ArgumentNullException: Der Wert darf nicht NULL sein. bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) bei EVE_Isk_per_Hour.ESI.GetIndustryJobs(Int64 ID, SavedTokenData TokenData, ScanType JobType, DateTime& JobsCacheDate) If you want to make your own fleet of miners, calculate how much you make per hour, and if it's feasible to use income to Plex those accounts. Blitzing Missions: 90-120 mil per hour. She gives me advice on exploration, and asks me whether I want to check out Faction Warfare on the promise of good ISK and good pew pew pew. “error_description”: “The requested scopes either don’t exist, or are not valid for this client” Did that several times, I’ve followed the guide perfectly and used copy scopes, so it’s not that. Please download the new installers to get these changes. But i also get the 403 error, is there a solution for dummies? I'm talking 5-10x more isk per hour than running level 4 missions. I seem to keep getting the 403 Forbidden no matter what toon I use. Check My IP Information All Channels EVE New Citizens Q&A Fastest way to make 200m per hour » Click here to find additional results for this topic using Google Monitor this thread via RSS Pages: [1] :: one page: Author: Thread Statistics | Show CCP posts - 0 post(s) Xap Starfire: …

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