Rey also likely doesn't know how to stop/counter force choke... © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. CG’s record for nerfing lesser toons that dare punch up against there precious Crown Jewels is very good. Rey is much stronger than Vader in the movies. Jedi Knight Revan. With that in mind I winder if they get the frustration of the slkr owners over the 5s AI glitch. Vader did a slight counter to Luke's saber, but it didn't even affect the boy, as Luke continues to hack away at him, moving his blade up and down, left and right. As much as I love Vader and hate Rey, he isn't too powerful in the movies. It originated as a splinter group from the exiled Potentium. He spit on Cin Drallig's entire career easily during Knightfall and was winning against Obi-Wan too, the environment constantly saved Kenobi. No way this is in any way fair. STAR WARS © & TM document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. To do this, I made a DIY Darth Vader costume, complete with a fiberglass helmet, lighting, sound effects and even a voice changer (Videos on step 14). Via sabers, Vader would defeat her sure, but what she displayed with the Force was much greater than Vader ever did in the OT. She has virtually no real featsPalpatine killed himself, Rey didn't do SHIT to beat him. If you actually think that such a f2p counter deserves to easily beat one of the highest paywall characters this game has ever seen, you are being naive. Admin panel. When he had led Operation Knightfall. How To Brixpedition Guide -- tips and tricks for Day 7. Boba’s Counters. As much as Vader won't admit it out loud, it truly terrified Vader to the soul and it brought him to the ground and he was secretly hoping his son can resist the darkness or it may swallow him as a whole like it did Vader. Einzelpreis / pro . The secret is the hollowed out area in. Feats only is a terrible way to decide a battle -- by that line of reasoning, Kit Fisto would overpower Mace Windu in a movies-only fight since he has better power feats. Menu. But force choking is kind of what Vader does in be OT. Why not both then? That having been said the truly elite players in … 00:18:55. Patreon. So enjoy this TW and 3 rounds of GAC. Vader deserves to be relevant, and I’m confident I can prevent my Rey team from getting stomped on defense. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Minecraft 1.16 is out today anyway. Leaders are filtered separately. I could see them giving Rey a buff to stop the Vader counter and I think that would be much better than nerfing Vader right after a bunch of people just poured resources into him because of the rework. I love it. But on a more serious note, with movie feats only, Rey wins. Darth Vader. Admin panel. SWGOH.GG is a database and sqaud builder for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes on iOS and Android. They don't need to nerf Vader. A full First Order team gets the most advantage from his leadership and the advantage mechanic. Menu. LMAO at all these fanboys who still say Vader wins just with the movie feats. Movies only? Mary Sue, I mean Rey stomps anyone in Star Wars (even EU Luke, let alone canon) with her shenanigans. Depends if its Disney writing the fight or a sane person. He is finally very viable, but the Rey counter viability might be a bit overstated. Vader felt sympathy and sadness. Stoked to use him to crush some teams. When a G12 Vader with G12 brood and only a 4 star wat can easily make it to the top 10 of arena shards there is something wrong. I have not seen Rise of Skywalker, but I hear Rey has excellent, sometimes too-excellent, feats with the force and with a lightsaber. Just not way, she should have in order to have better scaling. Normaler Preis €33,00 Sonderpreis €33,00 Normaler Preis €79,00. Darth Revan. TW&GAC - How to beat GL Rey with Vader | Counter It! GL Rey. Vader effortlessly. Kylo loses or nearly loses to everyone.Snokes Guards have to wait to attack one by one or else they would have overwhelmed her.Vader also has Force Choke which Rey has no real counter for.Vader also killed virtually all the Jedi himself so All Jedi Rey is not really all that powerful. Vader can't even scale above her with just movie feats, and even if he scaled above regular Rey, all jedi Rey isn't restricted. Counters. But since its disney and shes there hero they would probarly have her win.Screw Disney and there damn movies they only used the name to make money.!!! Episode 5 - SWGoH. Light Side Resistance. General Skywalker. I can understand not "nerfing" Darth Vader but there is absolutely no way that he should be this good against GL Rey. report . Thank you in advance. 12 comments. Patreon. Especially cuz he became a good counter FOR ONE OF THEM. Blowing up ships, and depowering them. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. There’s some order in this chaos after all. This thread is archived. @theoneabovelife: clone wars series is in canon to the movies so if we are going off the movies that is still something they can do. 6. Cry me a river. If they nerf Vader now or buff Rey to specifically counter Vader (repeat of Palp vs Malak) I think I'm done with the game for good. If that means someone beats my Rey team so be it. It was kitten when they buffed SLKR and now even more so with this Vader beating Rey nonsense. So, who wins? Disney Force Rey beats everyone. The lead proponents of the Gray and Potentium philosophies, Leor Hal and Leor Danal respectively, shared more than the surprising similarities of their names. Without PiS and Plot Armor Rey is weak as hell. He has been upgraded for almost 24 hours and everyone I know has applied the zeta and most (Like me) relic’d him up since. @reaperace: But if Disney Vader is super powerful. Both are focused and in the zone. I’m pretty sure only movie feats with Darth Vader is Rogue One, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return Of The Jedi. Vader stomps the crap out of her any day. Without PiS and Plot Armor Rey is weak as hell. Game code and certain audio and/or visual material © document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Electronic Arts Inc. 2. Counters. Although this may seem like a very daunting task it was really a lot of fun, and I hope it can help or inspire you in a future project. save. Put a new zeta on Vader and transform get GL characters players have to gear and relic up 12 characters...what are they thinking, it needs sorting quickly or players will leave in droves, And now we need touch up for ROLO with relic lobot and ugnaught can in grand arena defeat SLKR for 55 points. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! ONLY VOTE IF YOU HAVE SEEN RISE OF SKYWALKER. Angebot Ausverkauft. The last time he had been in this place with the same robes on him was when he had led the attack against the Jedi Temple, slaughtering the innocent Jedi that was safe in the Temple. - beliebtes Volkslied, 1890 … Event/Toon/Mod Guides. The rouge one scene tops most of rey's feats. The same guy who ragdolled Starkiller, who can move Star Destroyers, the same guy who was the fastest person Ferus olin has ever seen , he has seen Anakin and Obi wan in action and probably Mace windu too, The guy who has been stated to be stronger than his knightfall incarnation? She is a gag character like Squirrel Girl and Bugs Bunny. I'm always hesitant to believe videos in the first few days, no matter how many.

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