They're fascinated with magic and beauty, both permanent and temporary.[1]. While many sages suggest that Valley Elves are an offshoot of Grey Elves[14] [12], some sources suggest their history and race actually goes back 150,000 years, being one of the first demihuman races to settle in the Vale for which they are named[15]. This category is for the various elven races, ethnic groups, tribes, clans, and families of the World of Greyhawk. melodious. Ages ago (certainly before the Twin Cataclysms), the City of the Godswas the heart of a technocracy in what is now Blackmoor. -6416 CY The first of a group of traveling Grey Elves, exploring the South Central portion of Oerth, meet with tribal leaders of the Se-Ul (the People of Ul). High Folk, Sunndi, Celene, Gamboge Forest, Vesve Forest, High, Grey, Wood (Sylvan), Wild (Grugach), Aquatic, Snow, Valley, Drow. According to their myth, the elves were born from the blood of Corellon Larethain. They live close to the land in a half agricultural, half hunter gatherer lifestyle, and wear rugged clothing consisting of kilts, boots and shirts made of animal skin and rough plant weaves. Once a new cleric-to-he gets an invitation to join the clergy, he spends much time in meditation, quiet … 2. Grey elves were a sub-race of high elves endemic to the planet of Oerth and Greyspace.7 1 Description 2 Personality 3 Combat 4 History 5 Society 5.1 Homelands 5.2 Relationships 6 Appendix 6.1 References Nearly as tall as humans,2 grey elves had tall, slim builds and pale grey skin. Type Although not the first campaign world developed for Dungeons & Dragons—Dave Arneson's Blackmoor campaign predated it by over a year —the world of Greyhawk closely identified with early development of the game … Half-elves and elves living near human communities may add a career or location tag to their names for ease in dealing with humans who use this nomenclature[2]. Medium For battle grey elves favour plate or chainmail, with winged helmets[2]. Greyhawk Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. They are humanoid in appearance, with gill slits on the throat and greenish silver skin and green or blue-green hair. 3e Drow (Black) elves were thought to be a myth until more recent history, and other elves such as Aquatic (sea) or Snow elves are still relatively unknown. 1. Official documents and messages sent to Elven communities will be written in both Common and Olve-Vocca, and books and media within elven communities is naturally written in such, but otherwise it sees little use by nonelves. Most other elves, except Valley elves, look down on snow elves for this reason, seeing them as little better than humans with a misplaced sense of pride. Their hair is pale yellow in the summer, darkening to a rich gold in the winter months.They dress in blues and greens, usually in garments that are loose and flowing[14]. For a full article on the topic with citations, please see Elves at They're known to use Hippogriffs or even Griffins as mounts[10][13]. Potion of Elves, Half-Elves, and Human Control Item Encyclopedia Magica - Volume III 872 Shelves of Despond (Avernus, The Nine Hells) Place Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells, D&D 3.5e 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 25, 39, 41, 43, 50 Telvest Lorewin Non-player characer Living Greyhawk Journal #2 29 Telvest Lorewin Non-player characer Their hair tended to be a silver hue while their eyes were like amber. Alignment 3 comments: Mike Bridges 13 November 2019 at 15:14. The wood elves, however, refused to reduce their forces for the sake of sending aid to the Oytwood. History Geography. Snow elves[21] are very thin and wiry, but surprisingly tough and even more shockingly tall, typically reaching 7ft. They rarely die due to the wear of age. Any Fey Elves. The latter sort are generally called faeries[10]. Type Guess what that's supposed to be. I thought I would be able to research the history of Ratik and its neighbours sequentially, beginning with the Greyhawk Folio, continuing on with the Gold Box, then to the Greyhawk Adventures hardcover, etc. Type The drow are a dark-skinned, subterranean offshoot of the elves, known for wickedness and cruelty. Elf Tue Jan 26, 2021 5:14 am I recall that Thiondar's Legacy, from Dungeon Magazine #30, included a history of the Grey Elves and their founding, which was a separating from the High Elves. Average lifespan Appears in: 1e-Monster Manual 1 (1977), Dungeon Masters Guide (1979). Size Medium Some races of Elves, such as the Grey elves, were present in the lands east of the Crystalmist Mountains for many centuries before first human kingdoms arose there. General Information Activity cycle Neither side will say why, precisely, but other elves seem to consider valley elves to be slaves to humans, shown by their use of derogatory terms for them[14]. Valley elves are diverse in their magical inclination. Chaotic good Greyhawk, also known as the World of Greyhawk, is a fictional world designed as a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, Erik Mona, Sean K. Reynolds, Gary Holian, Frederick Weining, 2000, 3e, Greyhawk Player's Guide, Anne Brown, 1998, 2e, ISBN 0-7869-1248-0, Greyhawk Adventures: From the Ashes, Carl Sargent, 1992, 2e, ISBN 1-56076-341-8, Deities and Demigods (Second Printing), James Ward and Robert Kuntz, 1980, 1e ISBN 0-935696-22-9, Dragon Magazine #319, "Greyhawk Feats: More Regional Feats of Oerth", Erik Mona, May 2004, 3e, Greyhawk: The Adventure Begins, Roger E. Moore, 1998, 2e, ISBN 0-7869-1249-9, Dragon Magazine #315, "Greyhawk: Regional Feats of Oerth", Erik Mona, January 2004, 3e, Dungeon Masters Guide, Gary Gygax, 1979, 1e, Complete Book of Elves, Colin McComb, 1992, 2e, ISBN 1-56076-376-0, Monstrous Compendium Greyhawk Adventures Appendix (1990), 2e, Module: Vale of the Mage (WG12), Jean Rabe, 1990, 2e, Dragon Magazine #155, 'Wild in the Woods', Eric Oppen, 1990, 2e. It's thought that the other races of elves are watching closely, in case the Exalted One or his Drow second in command corrupts the Valley elves; and rather than see another of their kin fall to evil, the other elves may launch a crusade[12]. This page may be a Stub or not include some information. It is also curious that Valley elves only show antipathy towards Drow, instead of the hatred that other elves show them[3]. Celene is a forest nation, and the capitol itself, Enstad, is a forest city. Celene has one of the greatest population of Grey elves and ruled by Yolande, Lady Rhalta of Elven Kind, a grey elf queen[6]. They're known to ride stags[16][14]. Worship Deep Sashelas. Their cloaks are often deep blue or purple. 750-1600 2e-Complete Book of Elves (1992), The Adventure Begins (1998). Length of years apparently grants the elves no greater wisdom than men, for they quarrel as much as we short-lived humans. Labels: Flan, Grey Elves, Greyhawk, History of Oerth, Nerull, Suloise, Vecna. divided into several distinct subraces with different racial traits and attribute modifiers. I find this troubling. They strike up a friendship and the elves began tutoring the humans in mathematics, language, art and non-clerical magic. Their cloaks are usually green or greenish brown. THE LIBERATION OF GEOFF. Their skin is golden and their eyes are most commonly green or gray-green with gray and hazel less frequent. Elf Some elves also pay homage to Ehlonna, a nonelven goddess of woodlands. The latter sort are generally called faeries[1]. Young Geoffite rangers in love, Ansgar and Brin, visit Hochoch’s “shambles” to replenish their supplies. Then in 1992, TSR released a new Greyhawk setting, From the Ashes. These tribal elves contend that other elves have given up their primal essence to be more like humans. High, Grey, Wood (Sylvan), Wild (Grugach), Aquatic, Snow, Valley, Drow, Elves of the Flanaess are a bit shorter and lighter than humans, with a slender, athletic build and typically fair complexions[1], although eye and hair colour can vary among the subraces. Women often wear frocks with sashes, or blouses over ankle length skirts. Appear in: 1e-Dragon Magazine #67 (1982), Monster Manual 2 (1983), Unearthed Arcana (1985), Dragon Magazine #155 (1990). Size They excel at stealth, even compared to their kin. It is spoken by the aquatic and high elves of Lendore Isles. Homeland(s) Some began within the Greyhawk or AD&D system and were used in Forgotten Realms and some were designed for the Forgotten Realms setting by 'retro-adopted' into the Greyhawk campaign. See Grey Elves for more details on this elven subrace in Greyhawk. When hunting, elves favour neutral brown leathers. In universe this is explained as all elves, across all planes, originating from the same set of pantheon. See Drow for more details on this elven subrace in Greyhawk. High Folk, Sunndi, Celene, Gamboge Forest, Vesve Forest They've been known to live up to 1,000 or 1,200 years [11]. Valley elves appear much like the grey elves from which they branched off, save that they are even taller, nearly human height. But the point of this exercise is that elves, while a minority compared to humans in the World of Greyhawk, are not rare (yet). Pages in category "Elves" The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total. They also speak a dialect of olven particular to themselves. Subraces They live beyond the age of 1,500 years, sometimes reaching 2,000 years[1][3]. Wood elves have a life span of centuries. Generally speaking, all the land along the Velverdyva River from its passage between the Clatspurs and the Yatil Mountains, to the plain between the southeastern spur of the Yatils and the Vesve Forest, can be said to belong to the Highvale.The city of Highfolk itself rests at … So no I am not talking drow or sea elves or snow elves, etc. Two other groups unique to Greyhawk are often confused with the latter two: Valley elves appear to be very similar to Grey elves and Wild (Grugach) elves commonly mistaken for shorter Wood elves. Once inhabiting mountains, many Grey elves have now settled in meadows and forests.They are thinner than high elves, and have either silver hair and amber eyes or pale golden hair and violet eyes. Min stat reqs: Str Very low, Dex Average, Con low, Int average, Wis very low, Cha average. Can only Multiclass as Fighter/thieves. This page may be a Stub or not include some information. Vision 4th Edition Statistics High elves dress in pale forest colours when in their villages, typically pastel and of blue, green, grey[8] or violet hue but often covered by a greenish gray cloak[10], and intense, deep colours when in urban settings. Appear in: 1e- Monster Manual 1 (1977), Dungeon Masters Guide (1979), World of Greyhawk (Boxed Set) (1983), Unearthed Arcana (1985). 2e Once categorised into three types, sages have noted many more elven subraces; High elf being the most commonly known and most commonly encountered, with the reclusive Grey (Faerie) and Wood (Sylvan) elves second to this. Some Wood elves have fair complexions[10], while other tend to be darker than their High elf kin[8], with hair colour ranging from copper red to blonde and eyes of light brown, light green or hazel[3]. 6. XP cost 15%. Sunndi and the Lendore Isles perhaps are the only other two by 591 CY[5], although Highfolk had a high (for grey elves) population in 576 CY, and Sunndi lost many in the 580's wars. Fharlanghn… See Wild Elves for more details on this elven subrace in Greyhawk. 4e As more and more land was lost, many elves made alliances with othe demihumans, or even human civilisations (mostly Oeridian), in order to keep a footing in Flanaess[1]. Though it wasn't set in Greyhawk, specifically, … They practice the oldest elven arts, but hide from the eyes of younger, shorter lived races in their isolated settlements. They are split into two major groups. Because elves are so long-lived, CorelIon’s clerics can afford to spend years observing potential recruits before initiating them into the mysteries of the faith. Greyhawk Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 1e Omnivore This is evident in how long Celene remained hidden, in it's mountain meadow sanctuary, to the point that some of it's members have formed a resistance group, rebelling against it's isolationist policies. Ehlonna, goddess of Forests, Woodlands, Flora and Fauna, and Fertility. Coatlicue, goddess of Birth, Death, and Earth. They are typically dark haired and have green or hazel eyes. Grey Elf mountain city, from Complete Book of Elves, by Terry Dykstra, 1992, 2e. They tend to befriend giant lynxes and owls[10]. Greyhawk only deities will be bolded. They are more given to intellect than other elves, but physically weaker. Valley elf, from Living Greyhawk Journal 02, by Sam Wood, 2000. Size The lords and ladies of the City used a combination of elemental magic and clockwork science to create automatons to perform all menial labor for them. Grey elves are highly reclusive and isolationist. Olve-Vocca sees little use outside of elven communities. Monster Manual, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Jonathan Tweet, 2003, 3.5, Dragon Magazine #67, 'Featured Creatures', Gary Gygax, 1982, 1e, The World of Greyhawk (Boxed Set), Gary Gygax, 1983, 1e, Dragon Magazine, 155# ,"In the Frost and the Snow", David. They are more given to intellect than other elves, but physically weaker. Wood elves are more neutral than are other elves [10]. This reflects the importance some elves place on bloodlines, especially among the nobles of their kind[1]. Origin Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Other elves are contemptuous of valley elves. See High Elves for more details on this elven subrace in Greyhawk. He stated he would not be able to assist either the grey elves of the Oytwood or the wood elves of the Dim Forest. Their grasp of the gnomish language comes from them sharing the Valley with many gnomes, of whom the Valley elves tolerate. Alignment Size The Oerids spread across the Flanaess allying with other races, assimilating others and eventually establishing the Great Kingdom which once stretched from the Yatil Mountains to the Solnor Ocean in the east and south to the Azure Sea.Today, Oeridians are no longer united, but their culture remains widespread though always on the brink of war. A few high elves have coppery hair; this is common among their heroes, but is considered a sign of an especially unruly character. 2e: Complete Book of Elves (1992).

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