Despite what a woman might think are the reasons why a man doesn’t pursue her strong enough, the ultimate and genuine reason is the fact that he’s simply not into her enough. He doesn’t make an effort. Let’s settle this once and for all. … If you are the only one trying, that is not a relationship anymore because it concerns only you. 6 He used to make an effort with grooming and always smelt fresh, now he doesn't care about skipping a few showers Smelling so fresh and so clean is a normal product of trying to impress someone. If he's not willing to change, it's because he doesn't care enough to change. Now I’m back in his town and after only three, though exciting days he let me fall cruelly, he just doesn’t make an effort to spend time with me anymore (only once when he was drunk, but I don’t go with that). Now that I'm working, I work on his days off and I don't feel like he makes an effort to see me at all. Accept that he won’t change and you cannot make him spend time with you if he doesn’t make the effort to see you. It doesn't take that much effort to find things to do other than cheat, nor does it take too much effort to try to talk things out. If he’s not making an effort to make the plans, then you are not his priority. If you suspect that someone doesn't want to be your friend anymore, the best thing to do is to talk about it. 12. How do you tell if someone doesn't want to be your friend anymore? Don’t make him feel bad or guilty, he probably just hasn’t come across a woman who requires more effort from him, so he doesn’t know what he needs to do differently. You're pretty sure that he's using you. Its frustrating and I've tried talking to him about it. You do not intimidate him. Make sure you are giving him time to initiate the next date before you jump at inviting him to do something. Make an effort to work things out and strengthen your bond if you haven't already and want to try to repair the relationship, but if that doesn't work, walk away. These are all signs of distraction and they might mean that he doesn’t like you anymore. He spends both of his days off with his friends and if I ask him to see me for an hour when I get off at 530 he tells me he never gets to see his friends and he wants to kick it with them. If he cares about you, then he will pay attention to you and he will remember what you are saying to him. What is the point of being with someone who puts zero effort into making things work? Whether it's for sex, money, or shelter, it doesn't matter. He is not shy. He is not around you You are a beautiful woman who just wants to be loved and wants a partner who pushes you to become a better person. And if he cannot remember a lot of the things that you are telling him, then he probably just does not care anymore. Don’t settle for anything less than you deserve.

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