Mexico changed forever Aug. 13, 1521 -- the day Spanish explorer Hernando Cortez conquered Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec empire and site of present-day Mexico City. What impact did the Aztecs' religious beliefs have on Cortes's approach to Tenochtitlan? sustain a war against the Spanish conquistadors ? 600 men , Cortes sought out to conquer the Aztec empire for their Half the Aztec population died from smallpox so the Spanish attacked them. Spanish effort in that they helped redress the im- balance in numbers between the Spanish and the Aztecs. Montezuma, the ruler at that time, believed that the Spanish military leader, Hernán Cortés, was the great god Quetzalcoatl. Essay example, The Aztecs, part of modern day Mexico, were once the epitome of fine culture. The city of Tenochtitlan formed an alliance with the neighboring cities of Texcoco and Tlacopan but later became the dominant partner and gained total control of the entire valley. . Aztec slaves were used to maintain the agricultural area. It was believed by the Aztecs that Quetzacoatl was once an Emperor of Tollan, the Totec Capital however he was forced to flee by the people as he greatly opposed human sacrifice. THE AZTEC EMPIRE. One of the most significant and defining of those conquests is the downfall of the Mexica/Aztec Empire. The Spanish had conquered the New World and the lives of the Aztecs and surrounding tribes and was changed indefinitely in the sixteenth century. Some experts view it as negative and others believed there were many positive results of this conquest. Columbus had landed at San Salvador and explored the West Indies in 1492, when Cortés was a young boy. Their conquest of two of the largest empires in the world set the stage for European exploration which would lead to the United States of America. He had heard about the powerful Aztecs who ruled much of Mexico and he went in search of them. Name : Kristeena Monteith Sometime in the 12th century they embarked on a period of wander- ing and in the 13th century settled in the valley of central Mexico. The Spaniards did not intentionally infect the Aztecs, but they brought with them a plague that helped them finish their conquest. •The Christian rulers widely proclaimed that After Columbus discovered the “New World”, the Spanish sent conquistadors across the Atlantic to claim land for Spain. The Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, also known as the Conquest of Mexico (1519–21), was one of the primary events in the Spanish colonization of the Americas.There are multiple 16th-century narratives of the events by Spanish conquerors, their indigenous allies, and the defeated Aztecs.It was not solely a contest between a small contingent of Spaniards defeating the Aztec … According to legend, the god Quetzalcoatl, characterized by light skin, red hair, and light eyes, was supposed to return to earth. This, however, was not intentional. Surrounding natives that allied with the Spanish added over 2,000 extra soldiers. Cortes prevented food,water from entering the city as a result the Aztecs surrender. Conquistadors by Margaret Duncan Coxhead. While there are many other events to choose from, this one stands out since it was one over one of the largest empires in Central America. Whether one reads Cortés' letters or Díaz del Castillo's account, the Spaniards appear to have been deeply religious. Regardless if we agree whether the conquest was positive or negative, there is no doubt that the Spanish conquest, The Conquest of Mexico And Epidemics The Aztec belief system was rich in rituals and religious ceremonies were held at the end of each 20-day Aztec month. The Spanish brought smallpox and various other Old World diseases with them to which New World populations had little resistance. If the Aztec empire had established a Following the Spanish arrival in Mexico, a huge battle erupted between the army of Cortes and the Aztec people under the rule of Montezuma. • How did the Columbian exchange affect European society? It is also important to look at because of the immense cultural impact it had. Although the major government system of Mexico was maintained, some of the changes made to the government by the Spanish included the medieval concept of hierarchy and other local habits similar to that of Spain. However, not all the Tlaxcala approved of this friendship with the Spaniards namely Xicotencatl the younger. country . Quetzalcoatl: This is rarely, if ever, discussed as an advantage the Spanish had, though it did give them a bit of an edge. The Aztec civilization during its peak was the strongest civilization in the western hemisphere. After Montezuma II was killed the Aztecs elected Cuauhtemoc as their new king. Malintzin’s interpreting skills would prove crucial in the dealings between Hernando Cortés and the Aztec emperor Montezuma. First, the Spanish leaders had experience in forming alliances with indigenous people. For the Aztecs, this surrender to the Spanish meant the permanent loss of their political and cultural society. Spanish Conquer the Aztecs and Incas. Aztecs had to buy and sell goods in different places. Jaime Soto were ruled by Montezuma II . One of the most significant and defining of those conquests is the downfall of the Mexica/Aztec Empire. The Toltec culture is an archaeological Mesoamerican culture that dominated a state centered in Tula in the early Postclassic period of Mesoamerican chronology (c. 800–1000 CE). It was believed that Quetzacoatl would come from the east as a beared, pale-skinned man. Long live, then, the name and memory of him [Cortés] who conquered so vast a land, converted such a multitude of men, cast down so many men, cast down so many men, cast down so many idols, and put an end to so much sacrifice and the eating of human flesh! Under the leadership of Hernan Cortes in 1521, the Aztec Empire was destroyed. As part of the conquest the Spanish conquistadors, who were led by Hernan Cortés, took the Aztec leader Moctezuma II captive. Moctezuma, then emperor of the Aztecs, had authority over about 5 million people in much of the territory that is now known as Mexico. North America . Spanish’s military success was due to their military superiority and also to the support of local Mesoamerican tribes. Together with a small army of The role of pochtecas (Aztec merchants) were not used anymore. This description is based primarily on written documents from the 16th century but also includes some archaeological data. The result of the two pronged Spanish attack was a complete rout of the numerically superior native force.8 Cortés employed similar tactics throughout the Conquest with great success. The Spanish built a new Tenochtitlan and named it Mexico city (Miller, 2001). Of course, 20% of the wealth had to be sent back to the Spanish King, but that still left plenty for the Spanish conquistadores. The Aztec’s human sacrifice was a brutal bloodshed. The Aztecs had significant wealth from trading and heavy payments of tribute from the conquered natives. Although they have conquered many tribes , they did not necessarily rule March 12, 2008 By making allies with surrounding rival cities, such as Totonacs, Cholulas, and Tlaxcalans, Hernan Cortés was able to overthrow the Nahua empire. The vast destruction wiped out and brought a loss to these civilizations. However, all of this was going to change when the Spanish landed on the Yucatan Peninsula in 1519. 4. Examine the view that the technological superiority of the Spaniards does NOT fully explain the conquests of the Aztecs and Incas between 1519 and 1533. The story of this takeover reads like a movie script, a small band of Spaniards single, Abstract: The Aztecs were a very superstitious culture and before the Spanish had arrived in Mexico eight occurrences caused by nature, considered as The Omens, befell the Aztecs, signalling that bad times were ahead of them. There are three major factors which contributed to the successful conquest between the Spanish and the Nahuas, also known as the Aztecs, and Incas. When people, The Spanish Conquest impacted the Aztec society’s beliefs and way of life. The Aztec had well-defined political, governmental, religious and social systems. In many respects, Spain was one of the most Catholic countries of Europe, in part because of the country's century long struggle to rid itself of its Islamic conquerors and the Spaniards' fierce defense of the "true" religion against both Muslims and Jews. But to the astonishment of the Spaniards, no force is needed. The encomendero was responsible for the safety, education and religious well-being of the men and women on his land, and in exchange, they paid him with goods, food, labor, etc. Following the Spanish arrival in Mexico, a huge battle erupted between the army of Cortes and the Aztec people under the rule of Montezuma. Why the Spanish could conquer the Aztecs ? Start studying World History Chapter 15 Section 1. Spanish horses were instrumental in the conquest of the New World. The Aztecs had significant wealth from trading and heavy payments of tribute from the conquered natives. Spanish control faded also and soon the new nation purchased Florida. Spanish Conquer the Aztecs and Incas. Introduction The Spanish tried to change the Aztecs into Catholics and make them act like Spanish people. The spanish influenced the aztecs greatly by taking all their gold, giving them smallpox and other diseases, killing them all, and ruining their civilization. The Aztecs are a tribe, according to their own legends, from Aztlan somewhere in the north of modern Mexico. The Spanish form a second attack on the now weakened Aztecs Members of the Triple Alliance turned against the Aztecs when they saw the strength of the Spanish. A principle cause of the Spanish success in conquering the Aztecs in the early sixteenth century was: A. the superiority of Spanish cannons. Mexico changed forever Aug. 13, 1521 -- the day Spanish explorer Hernando Cortez conquered Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec empire and site of present-day Mexico City. Nonetheless, this rule began to deteriorate when Spanish explorers disembarked at Tabasco and Vera Cruz on April 21st 1519. A Town Council or cabildo that was used was derived straight from the urban areas of Spain. This, however, was not intentional. The Aztecs have long been described as an advanced civilization. Already the Aztecs had been conquering much of the territory surrounding Tlaxcala. Cortés wasted no time in taking claim for god and King. Their society was organized, each person having a part to play from as low on the proverbial food chain as Slave to as high as Emperor. When the Spaniards first set foot in the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan, they could not believe that a civilization so primitive in their minds could have been so culturally developed and powerful. Their empire Motives were plain: said one soldier, “we came here to … Form : L6SS Isidro Gurrola It was in 1519 when a band of Spanish conquistadors , led by Hernan The age of the Spanish Conquistadors had been over for some time, but their influence cannot be denied. Their empire spanned a vast area in Central Mexico approximately 22,000 kilometers, the capital of which Tenochtitlan, a well-developed, well-organized city built in the middle of Lake Texcoco. However, without the extra num- Please join StudyMode to read the full document. However, all of this was going to change when the Spanish landed on the Yucatan Peninsula in 1519. How does this painting reflect her role? Spanish missionaries sent to convert the Aztecs to Christianity learned the Nahuatl language spoken by the Aztecs. Through the comparison of these themes, we can determine that the Aztec account is more accurate based on certain aspects, such as bias, time the account was written after the event, who wrote the document, and the perspective of certain events, that help conclude the reliability of this specific source. Under Spanish control, the Aztec Empire did not exist any more. the Aztec. ... how did pachacuti make sure conquered peoples were loyal to the incas. A major part of their life was religion. She helped translate for the Spanish conquistadors and even Hernando Cortés himself. Even after General Cortes and his troops were settled into luxurious apartments and given a sumptuous meal, they remained very cautious. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. After the Spanish Conquest, many written document have become used as sources that help recount major events from the past. These Aztecs put the number of sacrificial victims at the time of the temple’s dedication at 4,000, a much lower total than 80,400. How did the spanish affect the aztecs The Aztecs were severely weakened by diseases that the Spanish brought such as smallpox, influenza, and malaria. From the years 1200-1520, the Aztecs prospered and expanded their empire immensely. As this article tried to demonstrate, the Spanish took advantage of the weaknesses of the Mexica by allying with their enemies but also thanks to their superior weaponry, above all the Castellan sword. resided. Cortes reportedly preached Christianity to the Tlaxcala leaders and they were baptised and "Maxixcatzin, Xicotecatl the old, Citalpopocatzin and Temiloltecutl... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes. For the Aztecs, this surrender to the Spanish meant the permanent loss of their political and cultural society. It is absolutely important to recognize the importance of diseases and of native allies in the Spanish conquest. It was an urban centre with causeways linking it to the mainland. their religious ceremonies and rituals in offering to their gods . ...The Spanish conquest of the Aztecs in 1521, led by Hernando Cortes, was a landmark victory for the European settlers. As a result, indigenous societies whose people numbered in the millions before Spanish conquest were marginalized or obliterated. be that the Aztecs, one of the greatest and strongest civilisations of its time, be defeated by only a few hundred men? The Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes landed on Eastern Mexico. The next major military engagement involving the horse came after the Spanish had established a base at Vera Cruz and had began the march inland to Tenochtitlan. ... aztec oral history, spanish friar who learned nahuatl. It was an empire that people from Europe had never seen before. During Cortes ' conquest , the Aztecs The Aztecs on foot could not compete. The estimated population of the entire Aztec empire at the time of contact with the Spanish was 25 million people. The Spanish built a new Tenochtitlan and named it Mexico city (Miller, 2001). C. the absence … “The Conquest of New Spain” written by Bernal Díaz and “The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico” are two sources whose themes can be compared and contrasted in order to determine their accuracy as primary sources. Luckily for the Spanish , Cortés had previous experience with making indigenous allies for fifteen years in Central and South America and Panama[1]. An important event in world history was the conquest of the Aztec Empire by Spanish conquistadors in 1521. Battle of Tenochtitlan (May 22–August 13, 1521), military engagement between the Aztecs and a coalition of Spanish and indigenous combatants commanded by Hernan Cortes. Aztec Empire Spanish Conquest. complex religious and political structure , why were they not able to Aztec Temples. Even so, in many battles the Aztecs greatly outnumbered the Spanish and their allies (Diaz 1956: 318-320). Neither the Aztec nor the Inca had ever seen humans riding animals before; the psychological impact of mounted troops was tremendous. In the conquest of Mexico, one of the leading factors that led to the success of the Spanish conquest was the experienced Spanish leader, Hernan Cortés. Therefore, it becomes that job of historians to analyze sources and determine their accuracy and relevancy. The Aztecs had good wealth from trading and heavy payments of tribute from conquered people. The conquistadors rewarded people who had helped them defeat the Aztecs. They were in control of large cities and had complex Hernán Cortés owed his conquest of the Aztecs to his expedition's unknown, unseen secret weapon: the smallpox virus. Without them the Spanish conquest would not have succeeded, at least not at that time. As news of the Spanish conquest spread, wealth-hungry Spaniards poured into the New World seeking land and gold and titles. ...The people known as the Aztecs (who referred to themselves as the Mexica or Tenocha) originated from a place called Aztlan, somewhere in North or North west Mexico. The story of this takeover reads like a movie script, a small band of Spaniards single, with Tenochtitlan as its capital; the Aztec Empire Aztecs had to buy and sell goods in different places. Even though the Spanish army was small in number ,... ...History Research Essay Second, the Spanish had superior weaponry and military advantage, like steel, horses, and guns which made their weapons stronger and much more deadly. B. the Spaniards ability to take advantage of native peoples’ hostility to Aztec rule. A polytheistic people, they often practiced human sacrifice to please their gods . That is how the Aztec … But how could a powerful empire be conquered and destroyed by a small Trust was not to be gained quite as easily as each leader kept their warriors on constant alert. He became fascinated with tales of Christopher Columbus' New World explorations. located in present-day Mexico City . The Toltecs were a Mesoamerican people who preceded the Aztecs and existed between 800 and 1000 CE. He had heard about the powerful Aztecs who ruled much of Mexico and he went in search of them. They began a military campaign to conquer the Mayan towns. After the Spanish conquest, Tenochtitlan was destroyed.      The history of the Western hemisphere is full of war and conquest. The Aztec and Inca people of South America were conquered in the early 16th century by the Spaniards led by Hernan Cortez and Francisco Pizarro, respectively. The effect the Spanish had on the Aztec Empire is a mixed lot. Spanish priests outlawed local religion and culture and burned written histories, leaving a cultural vacuum. . The Spanish Empire between 1492 and 1892, expanded across most of Central America, the Caribbean, Mexico, and much of North America. We are deeply grateful to and honoured by Professor Davíd Carrasco of Harvard University, who has generously recorded specially for us an introductory talk on the vexed question of just how the Aztecs/Mexica viewed the arrival of the Spanish. When the Native American lands were colonized by the Spanish in the early sixteenth century, they faced many difficult changes in their lifestyle, making them vulnerable to the new powers that arose from the Spanish. The Spanish colonization of the Americas began under the Crown of Castile and spearheaded by the Spanish conquistadors.The Americas were invaded and incorporated into the Spanish Empire, with the exception of Brazil, British America, and some small regions in South America and the Caribbean.The crown created civil and religious structures to administer this vast territory. The main factor that led to the victory of the Spanish Conquerors was the Aztec religion. 10. He challenged the natives and entered Tenochtitlan, taking the Aztec leader, Montezuma, hostage which led to the Aztec uprising that culminated in... ...February 20, 2012 The Battle at Otumba is considered one of the turning points in the conquest of Mexico, giving the conquistadors a victory at a time when the Aztecs could have destroyed them. The audiencia or governors followed; this group included a cabinet, Supreme Court, and an appointed head that was responsible for dealing with minor issues such as complaints, state affairs, judiciary, etc. neighboring tribes , suing the captives for their human sacrifices in The Aztecs and the surrounding tribes encountered many difficulties when they came on a face-off with the Spanish conquerors for their land and rights as the first … Superior weaponry and a devastating smallpox outbreak enabled the Spanish to conquer the city. Spanish Conquest as Politics of Empire Matthew Restall’s Seven Myths of the Spanish Conquest certainly acknowledges the importance of germs and steel. Differences in the worldviews of the Spanish and the Aztecs helped the Spaniards to conquer Tenochtitlan. Many different factors ultimately led to the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire. Historians often disagree on the impact, both positive and negative, that the Spanish had on Aztec civilization. History >> Aztec, Maya, and Inca for Kids Between 1519 and 1521 the Spanish, under the leadership of conquistador Hernan Cortés, conquered the Aztec Empire. First Omen: A comet flew across the night sky and destroyed, as it was thought, by the Sun. A New World empire spread from Spain’s Caribbean foothold. A statue of Cortés, with the name Otumba on it, stands in the conquistador’s home province of Medellin, Spain, to recall the, Victors and Vanquished These demographic disasters were in the form of disease outbreaks of New and Old World commencement and a consequence of and crucial contributing components to the accomplishment of, the Spanish colonization of the indigenous natives in the New World. The Spanish took advantage of this. Picture 1 shows Aztecs growing crops to … One significant factor was disease. The Aztec’s dominated northern Mexico during the 16th century, during that time was also the Spanish conquest with Hernan Cortes. —Francisco López de Gómara (1552) Widespread plagues followed, weakening the empire. The Conquest of Mexico and the conversion of the peoples of New Spain can and should be included among the histories of the world, not only because it was well done but because it was very great. The Aztecs' practice of ritual sacrifices had not exactly endeared them to their neighbors, since many times the Aztecs would raid their neighbors for sacrifice victims or demand them as tribute. When the Spanish entered Tlaxcala the city was poor as a result of the commercial blockade of the Aztec. From many native Indians that had tension with the Aztecs, they learned of internal, Impact of the Spanish Conquest on the Aztecs. It is crucial to focus on translators when it comes to understanding the conquest of Mexico, The Aztec and Mesoamerican indigenous societies were some of the most well developed pre-industrial civilizations with populations that averaged out approximately a twenty million prior to Spanish conquest (Marr and Kiracoffe 2000). Cortes’s army besieged Tenochtitlan for 93 days. The Spanish did not just deal a mortal blow to the political structure and culture of Tenochtitlan; they also wiped thousands of its residents off the face of the planet. The reasons the Spanish were able to control and systematically destroy the Aztecs was because of their alliances with neighboring cultures, their advanced weapons, their domesticated animals, disease, and the luckiest part of all: the Aztecs referred to the Europeans as gods. When the Spanish voyagers first arrived, they were welcomed warmly, respectfully and received Godlike treatment. The Aztecs had many myths about their gods however the most important was the story about Quetzacóatl (ket-zahl-co-ah-tul), the god of fertility and life. The temple we know most about is the Templo Mayor in the heart of what was Tenochtitlan, now Mexico City. 1519 Spanish Conquering the Aztecs timeline The Noche Triste The last group of Aztecs surrender. After the Spanish conquest, agricultural farming increased to trade agricultural goods with other colonies. HIST 125 These civilizations were also onlookers to one of the worst demographic tragedies in history seeing population losses of almost ninety percent, down to one million occupants a century after conquest (Marr and Kiracoffe 2000). There are several themes portrayed throughout both sources such as: the civility of Cortez and Montezuma, initial encounters, the difference between the perception of gift versus greed, and the variation of religious beliefs between the Spaniards and the Aztecs. the aztecs gave the spanish a lot of wealth and raw materials and probably manual laborers also. The Spanish conquest was devastating to the Aztec people.By 1680, 94% of the Aztec … Black Legend is characterised as an English interpretation of the Spanish treatment of native communities in the Americas (Murry 2013, 30). Comparison of the Spanish Conquest Eventually, the Spanish built a new market, but the Spanish took control of the markets. About 1345 they founded the town of Tenochtitlan. The Aztec empire was a wealthy and a well-organized society. The history of the Western hemisphere is full of war and conquest. Eventually, the Spanish built a new market, but the Spanish took control of the markets. The council was comprised of a mayor, town constable, treasurer, clerk, inspector of weights and measurers, surveyor, pageant master, etc, all of which had the title regidores meaning ‘members of the Council’. The hierarchy arrangement was in the shape of a pyramid; the king, being at the top, had the power to command changes in extensive political matters. Between 1519 and 1521, Spanish conquistadors, led by Hernán Cortés, overthrew the Aztec Empire.This event is called the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire.Cortés helped old enemies of the Aztecs defeat them in one of the most important events in the Spanish colonization of the Americas.. Aztecs believed that the world was created by the major Aztec gods Tezcatlipoca, Nanauatl, Ehecatl, and Quetzalcoatl. Fall of the Aztecs. As well, the Spanish were such well-trained riders that they could hold the reins with one hand and attack their enemies with the other. After the defeat of the Aztecs, the Spanish headed south. Economic impact A study of the influence of economic systems such as trade, employment, consumption, and prices on the whole economy. There are three major factors which contributed to the successful conquest between the Spanish and the Nahuas, also known as the Aztecs, and Incas. Figure 10-22 contemporary portrait of Malinche by Argentinian-born artist Tosario Marquardt. He took Moctezuma as These demographic tragedies were in the form, Victors and Vanquished Embarking on a journey of his own in search of gold, General Hernando Cortes lead his group of Spanish troops into the path of the powerful Moctezuma monarchy. After Columbus discovered the “New World”, the Spanish sent conquistadors across the Atlantic to claim land for Spain. Aztec culture had rich mythology and a polytheistic religion with many gods having specific functions. 1520 1519 Smallpox Religious feastival Cortes takes Moctezuma hostage. They made it easier to change from Aztec rule to Spanish rule by letting many Aztec nobles become Spanish nobles. Over time, around 80 percent of the people living in the Valley of Mexico died from these diseases. In its conquest of the New World, the Spanish subdued and defeated the Inca civilization of Peru, the Aztecs of Central America, and the Maya civilization of the Yucatan. The Aztec and Central American (Mesoamerican) indigenous civilizations were onlookers to one of the worst demographic catastrophes in history seeing citizen deficits of almost ninety percent, down to one million residents almost one century after conquest (Marr and Kiracoffe 2000). Cortés was born in 1485 in Medellín, Spain. In the conquest of Mexico, one of the leading factors that led to the success of the Spanish conquest was the experienced Spanish leader, Hernan Cortés. Pre-Columbian civilizations - Pre-Columbian civilizations - Aztec culture to the time of the Spanish conquest: At the time of the Spanish conquest the dominant people of Meso-America were the Aztec. The Tlaxcala resented the Aztecs and knew that eventually the Aztecs would conquer their main city. The Aztecs built temples at the top of sacred mountains as well as in the center of their cities. • How did the transfer of goods (food, technology, weapons) affect the Spanish and Aztecs? The rise of the Spanish Empire progressed quickly, leaving the Native Americans without their land and the hardships of not being able to retain their cultural beliefs.

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