Good luck! What did you do? It's best to just leave her alone. So, you’ve found yourself in a position where you want to talk to a girl who hates your guts. What are your moral limitations? NO, it means she really dosent like you. No, she doesn't love you. Ignore her and move on. If she’s a zombie: She loves you, but only for your brains. She’s pretending, because she knows she deserves more than what you’re willing to give her. What does it mean? Why would it bother you if she told your ex that you were flirting with her? it depends how she said it tbh lol if she said it jokingly then no she doesnt hate you. what would someone have to do, in order to compromise your... Do you strive to fit in or do you aspire to stand out. I am a girl, so I know how girls' minds work. She expects more from you. JOE on May 05, 2012: Her hating you (if she really does) doesn't change her person so therefor it doesn't change what you may like her for. People talk about "friendzoning" when a person does not reciprocate the affection another feels. You love talking to her and always look forward to seeing her. Regardless, if you’re showing any of these six signs that you actually love someone you claim to “hate,” you may want to rethink what you think you’re feeling. ... i have said her i love u and she replied me 2 is she loves me really because she do not talks with and has said i hate u how to know that she loves me. you must be under your self control.don't over react in front of her. #17 She will look at you, simply because she can. And from the sound of it, it seems as if you did something to her. 9. It can possible that she said that because she was angry with you. She was bored when she left you, and thinks you're exciting and is getting back with you - she isn't thinking commitment just yet. If I were you though, I would just move on. Lv 7. If your ex really hates you at the moment, then when you interact with her and you make her feel respect and attraction for you, what she’s going to initially feel is doubt. Is it unhealthy to finish a bottle of wine in 2 days? She doesn't love you. I hope you’re happy. worse she can say is no. There are many factors and dimensions that need to be addressed before moving in with your potential life partner and in order to get an informative and genuine insight, you would need to ask her multiple questions. Oh, you'll never get all the answers, I'm still searching! Usually when a woman tells me she hates me it means she friggin hates my guts. Does She Hate, Like, or Love You? It doesn’t matter that her hatred is only an act — because she’s pretending for a good reason. But still let me tell you the 6th and the last one. Would you rather have scotch on the rocks or neat style? When a guy comes quick, does it mean he is more excited than if it takes him a long time? it depends how she said it tbh lol if she said it jokingly then no she doesnt hate you. Once you begin to feel that she is the one with whom you do not mind spending your entire life with, it is inevitable that certain questions would pop up in your mind immediately. Yes, she has affection for you but you are not giving her what she needs. As a lesbian, you're often not sure of your status with other women. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Anything could be possible my friend. When a guy breaks up with a girl, does that mean he doesn't have feelings for her anymore? Then brother, run like hell and as far from her you can. It can be a guy in a relationship, that has gone bad, or it can be a guy who is flirting with some chick that he thinks might be "the one." But yes, there are ways you can make a girl un-hate you, or decrease the level of hatred for that matter. Only in kindergarten. Now you’re completely assured and ready take the first step. 0 1. eldots53. If you love her as much as she loves you, then you have to stay away from her. 1. Period. Are you in the 4th grade? Better luck next time! if she is avoiding you just move onto someone else, shes not worth it, girls can be manipulative so be carefull, they dont always mean what they say. She doesn’t want anything to do with you, but you can change how she feels. Why did she tell your ex...are they friends...or was this girl being bitchy and spreading gossip? Maybe you have a person who's special to you, but you're not sure how she feels. If a girl says she hates you, does that really mean she loves you so much that she wants to marry you? If you're over the age of 18 then you should be way more mature than this. 1 decade ago. However, in this case, I think she genuinely HATES you, but is trying to illicit a response from you. If you notice your girl just looking at you with a coy smile on her face, she cares about you. she says she loves me more than she hates me. A girl that loves you will be fine for your natural smell. What kind of gin or vodka do you drink or do you think it doesn't matter. Do something to catch her attention, or make her notice you. And walked off. It can be really discouraging and frustrating when a girl ignores you. keep yourself as a weighty man.don't go and beg sorry what you need to do is attract her towards you. You know what they say, there's a thin line between love and hate. Actually, she doesn't like you at all from the sounds of it. You can sign in to vote the answer. Everyone in a friendship, family, and relationship spends some time wavering between love and hate. 15 Signs She Hates Your Guts (And You Don't Even Know It) We all know that guy. The Most Influential Black People in the History of the United States of America (Part 3). However, before you declare your feelings, you would like to confirm that the attraction is mutual. Never miss a thing with GirlsAskGuys notifications on your browser. Hate can turn into love. If she can have negative strong feelings about you she can also have positive strong feelings toward you. Here’s what you should do when a girl ignores you. Your starting off all wrong. What did you do? Girls always fall in love with you when you spread rumors about them and insult them on the internet. We flirt a bit and she knows I like her because I told her a little while back, but so far nothing has happened and we're just friends. If she says she hates you and continue to see you and talk to you it means the opposite. Continuing to bother her will only continue to make her dislike you. I wouldn't want to talk with you either! if this is the case then get to know her likes and dislikes more, invite her and some of your mate and hers to see a film or go out into town together and just get talking. Now, it is not always under your control whether the girl hates you or not. If you are serious about her then invest your time and energy to find out how to be a bit more romantic. I think what is meant is that she hates certain qualities while loving the heck of the other ones. That's why I made this quiz; so you guys can find out if she really does. I'm going to go with no, she does not love you. All you have to do to be sure of this is answer the questions below and find out. =). lets not talk about the mistake that you showed the photos to your friends and she knew that there is photo in your cell. If you're going to be late, let her know. For instance, she’ll cook a meal but she will leave out the mushrooms because you hate them. She is frustrated! You want "commitment" to be the furthest thing she thinks you want, actually. its hard to do sometimes because you get afraid you’ll ruin a good thing but all you’re doing is making it worse for yourself. She doesn't love you. She can’t understand it, and she wants her baby back. It doesn't necessarily means she loves you, but it can mean that she hates you for having hurt her. You called her ugly, like really? Does she hate me? When the girl you are dating says that she hates you, that doesn’t necessarily mean that she has hatred for you or does not like you. How long you know her and how was the behavior before she said that? however, neither tell you if she loves you or not. If you’ve been trying to get with a girl and she won’t hear you out, it can be frustrating. Because you're an a**hole. She’s going to doubt whether it is real. You know what they say, there's a thin line between love and hate. But remember that you can do and be everything right, and that does not mean that she will fall in love with you. I can’t go on loving and hating you at the same time. No that doesn't mean she loves you, if a girl hates you that means she hates you. Anyway, taking this test should give you a better idea of where you stand with her. 46%. Love me? Our connections with other people have a way to affect our emotions from time to time; high levels of hate can affect a person’s self esteem whereas sincere love can boost it. I think/hope I said this to you more than once during time we spent together. In this case, she doesn't like you. Well, a girl's feelings towards you can't change what you love about her. ... Tell a Girl You Love Her when You Are Not Sure She Loves You Back. Actions truly do speak louder than words, and all you have to do to figure out if somebody loves you or hates you is to pay attention to their actions. just tell her you feel you noticed signs. Like me? Notice the theme??? She is an individual with free will, not an object to be won in a video game. If she hates you, she hates you.. You can't make her, you should not even try to make her do or feel any way about you. WTF? To her, it says: "I don't care enough about you to be on-time." But if she specifically remembers the things you like and don’t like, that’s a great sign. She probably took it personal when you called her ugly, you should explained to her that you didn't mean to hurt her feeling , and should apologies. The universal question. It is a fine fragrant for her. obviously if she doesnt like you, it says it all, but if shes jokingly saying i hate you then it just shows a friendly vibe and not love. How do you think about the answers? Oh OK, that makes a whole lot more sense now...if they are best friends, then it will be awkward for her to like you since you went out with her best friend before...sounds like you'd be better off leaving her alone...find a girl who likes you back and who's friends you haven't dated and be nicer to the next girl:)! obviously if she doesnt like you, it says it all, but if shes jokingly saying i hate you then it just shows a friendly vibe and not love. If she really hates you, show her that you hate her more then she will want you to love her. I wish I knew. Should there be a competence/sobriety test before being allowed to ask questions? lol! Maybe act your age next time? And from the sound of it, it seems as if you did something to her. It depends on the condition in which she said "I hate you". I should know because I'm that girl. It like the stockholm syndrome. It means you should stop talking to each other and let it go. Childish Act. And if a girl says no she really means NO. I am way over 50 years old and I still can't figure that one out. Well after what you did,do you seriously expect her to want to talk to you?Why did you feel the need to call her ugly?C'mon...its common sense.

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