Last medically reviewed on January 20, 2020, What is long COVID? The most common cause for a belly button smell is poor hygiene. Learn why and what you can do about it. Few people wash the belly button with soap so germs can develop. See your doctor if you have discharge. Don’t put any creams or moisturizers inside your belly button. Why Does My Belly Button Smell? MD. Cream can clog up the hole and encourage bacteria or yeast to grow. These changes include keeping the skin cool, dry, and clean, and avoiding tight clothing. Firstly, i did not dry the insides of the belly button properly. Showering or bathing regularly can help to prevent skin problems and odor. Areas of the body, including the armpits or feet, are more likely to become moist with sweat and smell. An infected cyst will be red, inflamed, sore, and tender to the touch. If the belly button is not cleaned thoroughly, it collects the dust particles inside it along with debris. It forms from the oil-releasing glands in your skin called sebaceous glands. A professional body piercer should advise on how to keep a piercing clean and prevent infection at the time the piercing is done. Yeast can also take up residence in your belly button, especially if you don’t keep it clean and dry. Usually it's the result of odor-causing bacteria that naturally live on our skin and mix with sweat. After you bathe, dry the inside of your navel completely. Remembering to keep the belly button clean, and drying it thoroughly after washing, should lead to a belly button that smells better. Your outlook depends on the cause of your belly button discharge and how well you care for it. Discharge and smells can be a result of several different factors, though slight navel odors are typically normal. Your doctor will perform this surgery through a small opening in your abdomen. We’ll teach you how to prepare, what to expect during the procedure, and how long it takes to…, If you’ve ever wondered if your belly button is normal, you aren't alone. The deeper your belly button is, the more dirt and germs can build up inside it. Your doctor may give you antibiotics, drain or remove the cyst, and possibly repair the area with surgery. Belly buttons come in all shapes and sizes, and, no matter how they look, they can become infected. If belly button odor is due to an infection, an appointment should be made with a doctor who can give advice and prescribe treatment if needed. One of the deepest navel odors is often described as smelling like a bowel movement. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Other symptoms include pain, redness, and swelling in the area. We will update it regularly as the pandemic continues. Belly button leaking happens in males or females and is caused by accumulation of dirt, fungus, bacteria and other germs. My belly button smells bad. Your bellybutton may bleed because of infection or other conditions. Bacteria can break down sweat and create a waste product that has a strong odor. If you have diabetes, work with your endocrinologist to make sure your blood sugar is well-controlled. A version of the infection known as candidal intertrigo can affect folds on the skin, such as the armpits, groin, or belly button. This may simply cover taking extra time […] Treatment is determined by the cause of the discharge. Sebaceous cysts are common noncancerous cysts of the skin. Keep the skin of your belly button clean and dry. It marks the place where a person’s umbilical cord was attached in the womb. Sometimes, there may be fluid or pus, which can harden to form a crust around the area. They can be common and do not usually cause pain unless they become infected. When it affects the vagina, it is referred to as a yeast infection. A technician will look at the cells or fluid under a microscope to see if you have an infection. But if bacteria become too dense, they may result in an unpleasant or offensive smell. Learn more here. If you feel your belly button smells, feel wet, it can be a clear indication of an infection or much serious trouble This can arise due to fungal or yeast infection, poor hygiene … This article also covers the symptoms, causes, and diagnosis of…. Why does my belly button smell and feel wet . But if it gets infected, you could have belly button pain, fever, and bloody urine. Causes. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Bacteria and other germs create the foul smell, just as they make your armpits smell when you sweat. It can occur between skin folds, such as in your groin area and under your arms. My girlfriend has a smelly bellybutton. A person may be more at risk of belly button smell in the following circumstances: Belly button piercings can become infected. Your doctor will first treat the infection with antibiotics. Question. If the belly button has trapped dead skin and sweat, it is likely to smell sweaty. This could be infected sutures, infections after surgeries, internal umbilicus abscess or infections due to urachus problem. Let us just have a look at some of the commonly faced problems around your navel or belly button, whatever you call it! The most likely possibility is that you have a minor fungal infection of the area (yeast or "thrush" as it is often known). That discharge might also have an unpleasant smell. Leaving jewelry in the piercing can help discharge to drain and prevent an abscess forming. A fungal infection can result if belly button bacteria multiply too much. Let’s take a detailed look into the … A sore on the side of the tongue is usually a canker sore or cold sore. Cleaning your belly button isn't hard, but should be done carefully to avoid making the problem worse. ! It could be a sign of infection, especially if you’ve recently had surgery. There are a few different causes of belly button discharge, each requiring a specific treatment. Learn more: Can diabetes cause vaginal yeast infections? We include products we think are useful for our readers. The most common causes of smelly belly button are fungal infections, obesity, yeast infections, piercings, and belly button discharge. Your doctor might also remove some of the discharge or cells from your belly button and send the sample to a lab. Right now it has been inflamed its really red inside and hurts to touch around it like when I wear my jeans. that's probably wats happening to you, considering that bacteria give out smell during their life processes. Frequent washing also removes germs. If you have a combination of foul smell and discharge, it could be a sign of: A fungal infection or yeast infection of the belly button; A bacterial infection of the belly button You can also use a saltwater solution to clean your belly button. Crusty skin, strong odor, itching, and redness are … Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional, Blood thinners may protect against COVID-19 complications, Hope Behind the Headlines: COVID-19 vaccines and variants, The 4 challenges of stopping the COVID-19 pandemic. Mostly, the bacteria are harmless, but they can multiply and cause an infection. Tingling sensation near belly button. Can you have coronavirus (COVID-19) without a fever? For the case of one having a smelly discharge, the cause is mainly infections. But are faced by a few. I've been having this weird feeling a little to the right of my belly button. Yeast feeds on sugar. Once an infection has been treated, the belly button should stop smelling and return to normal. Any infection should be checked by a doctor, and medication and lifestyle changes may be needed. Dirt, bacteria, fungus, and other germs can get trapped inside your belly button and start to multiply. © 2004-2021 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. If the belly button has trapped dead skin and sweat,there is a strong possibility it may smell sweaty and very unpleasant. Risk factors, such as poor hygiene, increase the potential for the belly button to smell. Causes of belly button discharge include infections, surgery, and cysts. However, sores are sometimes symptoms of other conditions. During that time, you're at risk for infection. It could be a sign of an infection that needs to be treated. Here are a few of the causes of belly button discharge, and how to treat them. “The canal inside the navels (or belly button) is closed off to external air and so when sweat is produced in this area, it is difficult for it to escape and can therefore smell,” contritely explains, Dr. … A deeply foul smell is commonly described as that of poop or the anus. Sometimes the pus will smell. Why does my belly button smell, stink and pain is a weird question? The belly button or navel is a dip in the middle of the belly. An infection can create fluid or pus, known as discharge, that can smell bad. Your doctor might inject medicine into the cyst to bring down swelling, or make a small cut in it and drain out the fluid. Instead wear loose, comfortable clothes made from natural fibers like cotton and silk. Use your washcloth or sponge to get inside your belly button and clean out any dirt that’s inside. Sweat, soap and other substances deposited in the navel cavity can aid bacterial growth. they recently had a belly button piercing. She is too embarrassed to go to the chemist and ask. so my belly button was'nt clean! New congresswoman sent kids home prior to riots Someone should see a doctor if they have any signs of infection. If you don’t clean the area well, these bacteria could cause an infection. Bacterial discharge may be brown or yellow in colour and may cause pain and swelling. This article will discuss the different areas in the body where hernias can occur, plus guide you to more in-depth articles about each type of hernia. A cyst is a small lump underneath the skin. One of the most baffling body odors is belly button odor. Learn more about the symptoms, treatment, and outlook. Most of these bacteria remain at a low level and will not cause a smell. Why does my belly button smell like poop or anus? A fluid-filled growth called a cyst can form on the urachus. MD. Avoid tight clothes, which can irritate your belly button. Get treated with an antibiotic or antifungal medicine to clear up the infection quickly. In most cases, a foul odor that smells like poop is … Odor can occur on anyone, in any place where skin folds together to make a pocket, like the underarms, under the breasts and in between belly rolls. This live article covers developments regarding SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Trump backers claim riot was false-flag operation. Here's some more information about your naval and some fun facts about belly…. Common treatments for wet smelly fluid or pus from belly button include treating a … Bacterial infection. People with diabetes are more likely to get yeast infections. Your baby has a fever. If the belly button has trapped dead skin and sweat, it is likely to smell sweaty. If your concern is simply a foul smell without discharge there needs to be an increase in physical hygiene. If your belly button is “leaking” clear or colored discharge or blood, you may have a bacterial, fungal, or yeast infection. You might be suffering from infection. The belly button can emit a foul odor if it is infected or if there is an underlying medical issue. Another option is to remove the whole cyst with surgery or a laser. To avoid future infections, the belly button should be kept clean and dry at all times. When your belly button smells bad and it also has some pus or liquid coming out of it, then you may have an infection. This is how urine drained from your body. Women with diabetes may have an increased risk of vaginal yeast infections. A study of Brazilian woman showed that women with diabetes were more prone to vaginal yeast infections than women who didn’t have diabetes. It is possible to have coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) without a fever. Why might face masks reduce COVID-19 severity? It is common for discharge and odor to develop in certain parts of the skin such as the belly button, which have a tendency to remain damp and dark, which are excellent conditions for bacteria and fungus to grow. The symptoms of an infection are redness, itching, and swelling. I've been having this weird feeling a little to the right of my belly button. People with diabetes and those who are obese are more likely to have an infection of this kind. If you’ve recently had abdominal surgery, such as hernia repair, you might notice pus draining from your belly button. There are many home remedies that can help you get rid of a bad smell of your belly button. Pus may come out of a cyst, and this usually has an unpleasant smell. Find out what the symptoms are and what to do if they appear. In some cases, this condition can be accompanied by bleeding. You can also have swelling, pain, and a scab around your belly button. All areas of the body need to be washed regularly to stay clean and healthy. The cyst might also be red and swollen. What to Do with an Infected Belly Button Piercing. Other Mother's Experiences "With my first two babies, I never noticed any problem related to a smelly umbilical cord, but my third baby was different, and in that his umbilical cord smelled quite bad. As you have seen, a smelly belly button is a common condition and it can be caused by a variety of factors, such as poor hygiene, yeast and fungal infections, piercings, pregnancy, diabetes, post-operative period, etc. If you have an infection in your belly button, you may be able to try a home remedy to get rid of it, but if that doesn’t work you will need to visit the doctor … Another cause of smell around the belly button is an infected cyst. If you do get a piercing, keep the area clean to prevent infection. Can Diabetes Cause Vaginal Yeast Infections? This is because bacteria break down the sweat and create a waste product that has a strong odor. Belly button skin needs to be cleaned regularly to keep it healthy. Candida commonly affects the mouth and throat, where it is known as thrush. Premium Questions. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat the infection. moisture built up and soon bacteria started growing on it. Avoid piercings in your belly button. Once the infection has cleared, treatment involves removing the cyst with laparoscopic surgery. Your advice and comments please.? A belly button excreting smelly pus-like substance is most often associated with a bacterial infection. This can cause an infection. A range of mild soaps is available for purchase online. Bacterial infections cause a yellow or green, foul-smelling discharge. Bursting or popping the cyst is not recommended, as this can cause further problems. Why is it smelling and red? It is necessary to determine the root cause of this condition in order to treat it properly. The result of this mix of bacteria, dirt, and sweat is an unpleasant odour. Washing prevents a buildup of dead skin, sweat, and oils that the body produces naturally. One symptom of this infection is cloudy or bloody fluid leaking from your navel. Read on to learn about what it is and how long recovery takes. © 2005-2021 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Wash daily with a mild antibacterial soap and water. Causes of belly button discharge include infections, surgery, and cysts. Discharge may be thick and yellow or green in color, and it may harden into a crust around the piercing. ». If you do have an infection, you might see pus leaking from your belly button. Secondly, i was probably not applying soap to it when i was showering. The belly button has folds of skin that provide a place for bacteria to grow. Areas of the body, such as the belly button or feet, can get missed, but these need as much regular cleaning as other areas of the body. If the belly button becomes infected, a person should see a doctor for advice and prescribe medication if needed. This odor isn't usually caused by poor hygiene, although it can be. It can take as long as two years for a belly button piercing to heal completely. Discharge or a foul smell of any kind in the umbilical area (belly button) is always a sign of a complication. I also have a smelly belly button it has always been that way but mine is a little different then everyone else. Belly button discharge can have various colors and give off an unpleasant smell. Candidiasis of the Skin (Cutaneous Candidiasis), Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI. It may sound funny unless you’re the one experiencing it, right? Mine has been like this ever since I remember. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Some diseases do not need direct contact to spread. A person should see a doctor if they think that a cyst has become infected. I read an article on this a while ago, but I can't remember the treatments, etc. It does not usually cause problems, but it can multiply on skin that is warm and moist for a long time. Candidiasis in your belly button causes a red, itchy rash on your navel and may also cause a thick, white discharge. My belly button smells and wet . You can book an appointment with an endocrinologist in your area using our Healthline FindCare tool. Usually, the belly button discharge will be a pale white, off-yellow, or light green color, and will kind of look like snot does when you have a cold. Smelly discharge from belly button – white, yellow or brown. Tingling sensation near belly button. A sebaceous cyst is a bump that can form in your belly button, as well as on other parts of your body. Just use soap and water and your fingertip or a washcloth. The area is tender to the touch. If the cyst is infected, a thick, yellow, and foul-smelling discharge will drain from it. It may also be a good idea to avoid tight clothes, as they can increase the risk of developing a fungal infection. Some microbes can infect hosts by traveling through the air and entering the airways. Looking at the area may be enough for them to diagnose the cause. Other signs of infection include redness and swelling around a piercing, a feeling of warmth in the area, pain, or bleeding. Why is it smelling and red? Candidiasis is a yeast infection caused by Candida, a type of yeast that typically grows in damp, dark areas of the body. Washing is necessary particularly after sweating a lot, for example, in hot weather or after exercising. Usually the urachus closes up before birth, but sometimes it fails to close properly. ... you can wash your belly button without getting wet. Why does my belly button smell like my anus, or like fecal matter? To keep your belly button healthy and prevent infections: Find out what may cause your belly button to smell, plus what you should do about it. There may be a blackhead pimple in the center of the cyst. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. All rights reserved. Most belly buttons are indented so act as a trap for sweat, dead skin, and dirt. Smelly and stinky belly button are due to discharge and cysts. A fungal infection is also likely to smell bad, especially if there is pus around the area. All rights reserved. Washing the belly button should solve the problem of a bad smell if this is due to a buildup of dirt and germs. In this MNT…. A person may also have a high temperature or feel unwell. Why attack on U.S. Capitol wasn't a coup attempt. Belly button has slight naval odours given sweat, other pollutants getting deposited in this region. Piercings in your navel can also get infected. Candida is a yeast that lives on the skin. The cyst might need to be drained. Candidal intertrigo is treated with antifungal medication and lifestyle changes. Here’s our process. Other symptoms of an infection include: Your doctor will examine your belly button. If this happens, call your doctor. Other studies suggest that other forms of yeast infections, including yeast infections in the belly button, may be more common among people with diabetes. You can also limit sugar in your diet. There is yellowish drainage and redness around the belly button. It's not painful, just annoying tingling feeling. The average belly button is home to nearly 70 different types of bacteria. Some common causes of this smell are bacterial infections, fungal infections, surgical procedures and piercings on the navel. When you were developing in your mother’s womb, your bladder was connected to the umbilical cord by a small tube called the urachus. A smelly belly button can be caused by many things, such as increased activity in your sweat glands, rashes, or an infected piercing. If it multiplies, it can turn into a fungal infection. See your doctor if you have any symptoms of infection, such as redness, swelling, and foul-smelling drainage. The average belly button is home to nearly 70 different types of bacteria. Rinse with clean, warm water and dry with a towel to make sure that all water has been removed from the belly button. My belly button has a really bad odor and it hurts to touch on the inside. Premium Questions. When to see a doctor The least problematic of any other is hygiene. More Detailed Information For More Detailed Help: It smells like if you've ever warn the same socks for a week (without taking them off) during summer, and then clipped your toe nails after. Read more: What to do with an infected belly button piercing ». If the odor is a result of the belly button becoming dirty or greasy, carefully washing it is the best way to get rid of the smell. Clean your belly button when you bathe and you can prevent infections. The easiest way to prevent a smelly belly button is by cleaning it every day via a shower and some soap and water. It's not painful, just annoying tingling feeling. Learn about candidiasis of the skin causes, diagnosis, and treatment. The belly button is home to many bacteria but can be overlooked when a person washes. Skin is home to trillions of bacteria, which develop naturally and are usually harmless. Cysts are abnormalities in the body that may contain liquid or semiliquid material…, Laparoscopy is used to examine the abdominal organs. Using warm water and mild soap, use a washcloth to gently clean around and just inside the belly button. The belly button smells like a poop when it is improperly cleaned. Skin will appear red and scaly, and blisters can form. You might notice white, yellow, brown, or bloody discharge seeping out of your belly button. The cyst can get infected. Use an antifungal powder or cream to clear up a yeast infection. We find out what might cause a belly button to smell, and how to keep it clean and healthy. This is because yeast feeds on sugar, and high blood sugar is a hallmark of poorly treated diabetes. Candidiasis of the skin is a fungal infection that causes a red, itchy rash. A fungal infection is also likely to smell bad, especially if there is pus around the area. How Google search data can predict COVID-19 outbreaks, Causes of a sore on the side of the tongue, COVID-19 live updates: Total number of cases passes 111 million. In these cases, you may have bloody, yellow, white or brown discharge from the belly button. Why does my belly button smell and it is wet?

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