It is the energy of the vital force, infinite, without dimensions, without a precise direction that flows through us and through the spaces of our body’s molecules. ". I’m so happy when this is happening! new systems and concepts in the area of The results are amazing. Tesla Energy-Frequency-Vibrations now in wearable health and wellbeing solutions app for your Smartphone and Smartwatch. I am proposing that the Amen Clinic does before and after brain imaging with the Healy Frequency device. Tesla patented wireless transceivers that developed standing waves and it was he who discovered that the resonant frequency of the Earth was about 8 Hz and in the range of the Schumann Resonance or Cavity. But all have agreed that the aspect of evolution of their consciousness, caused by the frequencies of the energy of Tesla, is much more important than the healing itself. However, apart from these healings, Tesla Waves enhance the frequency of human consciousness, and this might be even more important than the fascinating healing results. They are accessed directly from Active Ether, there are no machines involved. With Tesla Healing 369® the Practitioner adopts the function of the Tesla Coil. You can master the healing frequencies legendary inventor, Nikola Tesla worked with, and transform your own life forever. During a session high-frequency, multidimensional Tesla Waves, which are different from Hertzian waves, are accessed directly from the active ether without the need for machines. We can see it as a Distance Healing, but distance is irrelevant, since through the Quantum Field, we are connected to the whole. The Tesla Healing 369® method is based on an energy and frequencies that were discovered by Nikola Tesla in 1889 and that can be used by anyone to reestablish their Light Body. Tesla Healing 369 of the Quantum Field® has no limits on the application, which can be in children from breastfeeding to the elderly. Tesla Healing 369® is amazingly transformative. On an emotional and spiritual level it has helped to give a new meaning in life and to provide balance and harmony. Benefits obtained with Tesla Healing 369® Light is life. If only 0.001 of the world’s population learn this modality and work in coherence with it, a critical mass can be achieved in order to achieve the much desired Peace in the World. Each individual has to learn to use this energy for Spiritual Growth and constructive purposes. The management and direction of this Energy and Frequencies stimulate this process. – Respiratory system The constructive use, that is, the positive use of this energy increases the level of consciousness of people and increases their frequency of vibration. 639 Hz 5. Jul 8, 2019 - Explore Ray Parsons's board "Tesla quotes" on Pinterest. What is TESLA HEALING 369® frequency therapy, health and wellbeing, " His 4th brain scan at Amen Clinic after using Healy Frequencies. Can you imagine wearing a Healy Smartwatch, similar to an Apple Watch or a Fitbit, that analyzes your physical, mental, emotional and overall health status, including blood pressure and heart rate, but much more, then determines that you have pain in some part of your body, so it downloads the appropriate matching frequency from the 200,000+ frequencies inventory from the cloud database, and delivers it directly to your body with zero side effects, and moments later the pain is GONE? See more ideas about tesla quotes, healing frequencies, sound healing. Those who are impregnated with these frequencies, begin to register essential changes in all areas of their lives. Countless benefits are found in all areas, – Cerebral According to Nikola Tesla: “It is an unlimited, very powerful energy that knows neither time nor space. Everything in the universe is energy and vibration. Tesla Healing 369® is based on a primary energy that creates and maintains order, in the chaos of matter. Tesla called them “Non-Hertzian waves". The positive health benefits of Tesla Energy are being used across the globe today. Healy is a wearable device. The energy that Tesla Healing 369® generates in the body, induces a homeostatic processes of rebalancing, enabling the body to help produce self-healing effects. – At the cellular level, it is a great restorer of the primitive information. Albert Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2 proved that everything in the universe is energy. For nearly 20 years I have battled an early onset dementia that has been documented with four different brain scans from the Amen Clinic in Bellevue WA. The major six solfeggio frequencies impart healing, spiritual blessing, tranquility and a peace of mind, body and soul together. , We have an exclusive video for the story and the discoveries of Royal Rife, which you can watch. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a Serbian-American inventor and researcher who discovered the rotating magnetic field, … This energy can be described as the basic energy of the Universe. 417 Hz 3. – Physical-Motor It really shows what we are giving to the world is helping people and giving them a smile! Favor de consultar con un profesional calificado de la salud respecto de su uso o aplicación. Once the balance is re-established, the healing takes place, on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. The energy is activated by the practitioner’s intention to perform healing. This website presents my independent investigative research of scientists, doctors, inventors, historians and farmers who specialize in the field of nature medicine. The most beloved comments of our customers about Healy. Tesla Metamorphosis ® has the privilege to have Tesla's name in the name of modality because we can access Tesla Waves. Likewise, I don’t know how my Healy works, but I know it works for me! This exercise provided him with nature’s best medicine and today we find that ‘forest therapy’ is extremely popular in countries such as Japan. Tesla Healing Metamorphosis has the intent to bring the frequency of light in the human body into the perfect balance. A few hours later the answer came through a phone call from an angel with the question if I knew about the Healy! We are currently experiencing a lot of violence, bad treatment and other characteristics of an era of crisis. Over time, we will have achieved a substantial change in a nearby group, which will vibrate at higher frequencies and by becoming aware of this, will help in turn, applying this harmonious method to restore order and balance to their closed ones. This physical body is supported by several subtle bodies, such as the astral body, the mental body, the causal body, the buddhic body, the atmic body, among others. It contains frequency programs that help promote your health, vitality and overall wellbeing. Tesla Energy brings those cancer cells up to normal energy levels, possibly accounting for the healing that many cancer patients have experienced after exposed to Tesla Energy embedded products. Fully recharge the human body's biological batteries during sleep cycles at any time of the day just by laying inside a … Grandmama has pain always and almost everywhere in her body. Since October 2014 I have been applying Tesla Healing 369® to my patients and to date they continue to report, above all, mental clarity, disappearance of existential fears and openness of consciousness, after each session. Tesla once let his friend Samuel Clemens try out the healing machine. Also in most of the testimonies the synchronicities in all areas of life, loss of fears, etc. – Spiritual and Mental Does Digital Nutrition for ultimate Stem Cell activation mean anything to you? Tesla’s healing machines were eventually removed from all western medical text books. Tesla Healing 369® opens the door to physical balance, mental balance and Superior Intelligence that harmonizes and balances life. According to scientists, Tesla Waves are unique for Tesla Metamorphosis. Cancer cells have a very low electrical frequency (15-20 millivolts) compared to healthy cells (70-90 millivolts). They are accessed directly from Active Ether; there are no machines involved. 528 Hz 4. This method of healing also includes a high proportion of elements and keys of Sacred Geometry; addressing the three aspects of human existence: body, mind and spirit. Cancer cells have a very low electrical frequency (15-20 millivolts) compared to healthy cells (70-90 millivolts). (‘Waves’ are the distance between two peaks of a light wave). Tesla coils don’t operate on such a low frequency (432 Hz) and the ‘healing power’ of 432 Hz is only valid as an audio signal, not an EM signal. There are in fact nine solfeggio frequencies. ”. Then one morning I asked the Universe "what else is possible?" My clients have experienced the following amazing results Todos los derechos reservados por Tesla Healing 369®. Based on the energy and frequencies that Nikola Tesla discovered in his laboratory in 1889, after observing a solar eclipse in which he noticed some anti-gravity phenomena that led him to continue investigating. The only purpose and reason of our life is Spiritual Growth. Unlike in the spectrum of the Hertzian domain, the density and the frequency of Tesla Waves are … Nikola Tesla was a master of resonance – the vibrational properties of the solid, liquid and gaseous substance of matter. TeslaBioHealing™ bed to promote the health and well-being of our patients. This article (Breakthrough Tesla Tech Turns Toxic EMF Into Healing Frequencies For 4G, 5G and Beyond ) originally appeared on and is free and open source. Patients experience a new state of fullness, well-being and health. This process also activates the Healer in each person and therefore it is very frequent that the use of these energies allows the healing of the body, mind, and spirit. The energy enters and goes cleaning old records that damaged health. Tesla was a big fan of forests and took long daily 8 km walks through the healing fields of New York’s Central Park to feed the birds. – Cardiovascular system Tesla Waves are, according to scientists, unique for this form of healing. Nikola Tesla 369 Code Healing Music with 432 Hz Tuning and Sub Bass Pulsation. According to Nikola Tesla, who owned more patents than anyone except for Thomas Edison, “If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.” What did he mean? According to Nikola Tesla, who owned more patents than anyone except for Thomas Edison, “If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.” What did he mean? 396 Hz 2. Healing Through Frequency Using the same principle, in 1938, a scientist called Dr. Royal Raymond Rife cured 16 terminally ill cancer patients. Throughout the rest of his life, he would use his oscillation machine to treat people with a wide variety of health problems – from constipation to cardiovascular disease, injuries and infections, sleep disorders, and … I don’t know how my Smartphone works, but I know it works for me. Yet, Tesla Waves - also known scientifically as ‘Scalar Waves’ - are non-hertzian waves of light, meaning - they are ‘without’ frequency*. It is working like nothing else. Tesla used the term “the spark of life”. Tesla Metamorphosis is the new healing modality developed by Anya Petrovic. For this reason healing takes place at all levels of human existence. So after a very difficult period, the first 6 months of 2019, I could not sleep for more than 4-5 hours per night, I was in a state of constant being alert. The violet or purple color generated by the Tesla Amplifier with the “Extra Coil” represents energies that are beneficial to humans, that is, they have healing effects on the human organism. Healing fields of energy that simulate nature can be recreated indoors via energy therapy devices that are used by licensed medical professionals and the general public. It has also been proven a high effectiveness applied to animals and plants. Humans have the power to use this energy consciously, since each thought is transported through this energy. Nikola Tesla a brilliant inventor and visionary, is considered the father of scalar, zero-point technology, and the Tesla Coil, the technology used in The Violet Ray a high frequency, low amperage source of static electricity. I believe that this device is going to have a great impact on others who have been suffering from brain issues. Tesla Waves are, according to scientists, unique for this form of healing. Tesla was quoted saying: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Another world famous genius agrees: “Everything […] Tesla Healing 369® is based on a primary energy that creates and maintains order, in the chaos of matter. Science, through Quantum Physics, is showing us that everything in our universe is energy vibrating at a different frequency. I discovered that this healing modality is extremely powerful with great and often rapid results. In particular I have observed that people who receive a 3-session treatment of Tesla Healing 369® before a complicated surgery, obtain unexpectedly positive results of the surgery, shortening in some cases, the expected time of the intervention and achieve their recovery in time much shorter than expected. Desarrollo de la Formación Online en Tesla Healing 369®, Desarrollo de la Formación Presencial en Tesla Healing 369®, A mental, emotional, physical and spiritual development extended to a higher level, A greater capacity to give and receive love, A growth of resources, talent and creativity, Extraordinary experiences at the telepathic level. She has no idea what Healy does or what it is! This holistic healing creates a complex metamorphosis of the human body by bringing it to the perfect balance of light. Do you know anyone with any pain or other health issues? Tesla described this discovery and invention as his greatest contribution to human well-being, a bold statement for an inventor on the level of Nikola Tesla. She said tomorrow she will go to the doctor because of that pain. When we go down on a sub-atomic level, we don´t find matter, but pure energy. Tesla Healing 369 of the Quantum Field® Tesla Metamorphosis is an energy consciousness healing modality, beyond the logical mind. This modality is used when the Patient and the Practitioner are in different places. As I said, this is in the ULF band, used for submarines and mines. While western medicine was seeing a gradual progression towards a healthcare system based upon patented medicines, Tesla’s medicine had remained and were further improved upon by countries that practised socialized healthcare where the government paid for the health and … This will be achieved first in us and then in others, starting with our family, friends and people we contact daily. Science today gives it the name of «Tachyonic Energy», because of its high speed that is 27 times greater than the speed of light and that has a vibration as high as the frequency of Love.

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