Ethical Theories and Their Use in Ethics Education. Analyzing case studies of similar ethical dilemmas may help teachers make the “right decision” when faced with similar situations. Both concepts can be applied simultaneously in all educational institutes. Ms. Jackson administered a standardized math test to a student and reported the results to her principal. D. Professor Educational Administration Department School of Education National University San Jose, California, USA Abstract School leaders have been ethically challenged … These indicators are summarized in Table 2. Opportunities for collaboration and reflection. While Mr. Gregory and Ms. Samuels work together at their weekly planning meeting, Ms. Samuels tells Mr. Gregory that she does not feel comfortable with, nor will she teach her class about topics related to evolution, the subject for the coming week’s lessons. Today’s Challenges and Dilemmas for Ethical School Leaders Clifford E. Tyler, Ed. And only some types, if any, may constitute genuine ethical dilemmas. An ethical dilemma arises when a person is forced to decide between two morally sound options, but they may conflict with the established boundaries of a business, a governmental agency, or the law. 2.5. As a result, the principal instructed Ms. Jackson to give credit for questions the student might have been able to answer correctly but got wrong on the test. We can now extend to other conditions that may be part of your everyday lives and help you on a broad level if that is what you need. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. The input of the entire team is important. What should Mrs. Michaels do? Ms. Jackson may also discuss test-administering strategies with her principal in order to avoid this conflict in the future. Shortly after its birth in 1945, the United Nations created The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Indicator 4 advises that educators “shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning or to health and safety” (NEA, 1975). Becoming a teacher. Ms. Jackson has been faced with a difficult situation. Council for Exceptional Children. Dilemmas of Educational Ethics ultimately offers accessible prose and a set of pedagogically robust tools to enhance ethical praxis in the field of education. We are excited to announce that is now part of This is a class Ms. Ming had expressed a desire to teach. However, some of the common ethical issues in education faced by stakeholders in the education sector are as follows: One of the commonest ethical issues in education is the choice of teacher a particular child or set of children will have in the following year. The utilitarianism approach requires that you decide what course of action needs to be done and evaluate the outcomes of each action. Read a short essay by Levinson on the intellectually challenging nature of education. Jessica L. Bucholz (CEC GA Federation), Assistant Professor, University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Cassandra L. Keller (CEC FL Federation), Assistant Professor, Lynn University, Boca Raton, Florida. In addition to the ethical issues affecting learning mentioned above, other issues worth noting include flexibility in the curriculum development, teaching strategy, continuous assessments, knowledge transfer and best practices cross the board. Prior to this act, handicapped children had no other recourse but to attend general public schools and curriculum which were not appropriate given their special requirements. Javier was diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the first grade. Parkay, F. W. (2004). An ethical dilemma is a conflict between alternatives, where choosing any of them will lead to a compromise of some ethical principle and lead to an ethical violation. see Figure 1 for a summary of these principles. The goals should include high yet realistic expectations for all students. If Ms. Jackson discards or changes students’ test results, she is not following this code. Ms. Garcia and Ms. Ming are both sixth-grade English teachers. Javier’s father and doctor still believe the medication is essential to help him succeed in school. Furthermore, the delay in testing could be as long as one year. Mrs. Michaels has been a fourth-grade elementary education teacher for 5 years. Mrs. Michaels is aware of the laws and regulations supporting special education and the timelines that are to be followed. “What would you do? According to this statement, Mrs. Michaels might be compromising her integrity if she knowingly violates the laws supporting special education and a student’s rights to access to those services. While administering the test, Mr. Edwards realizes that Mr. Marcus is reading parts of the reading comprehension passages to the students. “Behaving ethically is more than a matter of following the rules or not breaking the law-it means acting in a way that promotes the learning and growth of students and helps them realize their potential” (Parkay, 2004, p. 195). According to the NEA’s Code of Ethics under Principle I: Commitment to the Student, Ms. Samuels is violating two of the indicators (numbers 2 and 3). Covers a wide spectrum of topics that relate to sustainability, which includes technical and non-technical research areas. While many scenarios are black-and-white, easily solved with clear-cut answers, not every circumstance that a teacher comes across is so simply resolved. While in college Ms. Jackson took a class on assessment. This we may face if we cannot sup port the full financial burden of public education truly an educational dilemma of great magnitude. Public schools in particular, have had to deal with issues relating to racial inequality and ethnic differences. When professionals or students engage in unethical behavior it can damage a good student-teacher relationship. It also has eight indicators to guide educators. Additionally, the National Education Association (NEA, 1975) has developed a code of ethics for educators with various roles in the profession. Most states have also developed codes of ethics for educators within their state. What every special educator must know: Ethics, standards, and guidelines for special educators. 3. Having a framework for handling these situations (or similar ones) in an ethical manner is necessary for professional educators. As stated earlier, there is no one “right answer” to the complex situations teachers face each day, but grounding guidelines such as NEA’s or CEC’s Codes of Ethics provide teachers with a problem-solving framework. This violates the validity of the test and could result in a false learning profile of his students. What should she do? She tells the parent that if she wants her child to be tested her best course of action would be to take the child to a private psychologist and pay for the testing herself. By focusing on the outcome of each action, utilitarianism demands that you decide on what course of action based on the benefits or harm of the actions without regard to the cost of the action. Participant-generated early intervention ethical dilemmas. April 15, 2021, Ireland International Conference on Education, Copyright © Ireland International Conference on Education |, She may therefore decide to follow the referral procedures that are in place at her school. Her college instructor emphasized the importance of strictly following the administration protocol when assessing students with a standardized test. In this class Ms. Jackson learned all about different types of assessments including standardized, curriculum-based, and informal assessments. What should Mr. Garrison do? The IEP team is responsible for developing an educational program of the highest quality based on goals developed as a team. He believes this contributes to her negativity toward Ms. Garcia. Today it is universally recognized as a basic human right. Resolving ethical dilemmas requires difficult educational decisions that do not always have a clear-cut “right” answer. Many organizations have review boards that monitor and enforce codes of professional standards (Webb, 2007). Some quarters, especially parents and guardians might be against the zero tolerance policy for reasons best known to them, others support the idea. Mr. Daniels is in a very difficult situation, knowing that Ms. Ming is making false statements about Ms. Garcia. A complete listing of the CEC ethics and professional standards are found in the CEC publication What Every Special Educator Must Know: Ethics, Standards, and Guidetines for Special Educators (Council for Exceptional Children, 2003) and on the CEC Web site As a teacher, you may come across decisions that impact an individual’s entire life, from family to future. The list of unethical issues in education that sometimes act as stumbling blocks to effective learning can be said to be endless. Schools are continuously faced with the issue of diversity stemming from students having different social and ethnic backgrounds. For instance, a RN working in the PICU may be asked to care for a child who has been a victim of child abuse and be asked to also be kind and impartial to the parents at their child's bedside who are suspected, but not convicted, with the crime. 2, pp. Determining how to respond to a client’s social media friend request. Each of the issues mentioned requires deep understanding and careful scrutiny to proffer effective solutions and enhance the educational system. Teachers face many ethical dilemmas each day in the classroom. The data examined were written reflective statements of each of the 100 students’ ethical dilemmas. The ED presents unique ethical problems and other constraints not encountered in other settings 12, 13. Depending on his willingness to intervene, he might offer to help the two teachers find common ground, starting with students, school initiatives, or parent and community projects. 60-64. Some of the goals include telling time to the hour, half hour, and quarter hour. Ethical dilemmas come in different types. Similarly, teachers also have codes of ethics that can guide their decision making during day-to-day professional challenges. Mr. Edwards shares this knowledge with Mr. Marcus, who responds by saying that he is simply doing what the principal instructed him to do. The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) has developed a code of ethics for educators who work with persons with exceptionalities (2003). Furthermore, CEC has a set of standards for professional practice. Dilemma 6: Religion. They do so mostly in private, sometimes with their … Her principal expressed concern over the low scores and asked Ms. Jackson specific questions about her student’s performance. Ms. Jackson knows that this will invalidate the test results. Teachers frequently encounter these types of ethical dilemmas in the classroom and have to take action in situations where all the facts might not be known. Educators are responsible for their actions in the classroom and should strive to create a nurturing and fulfilling learning environment for all students. The following ethical dilemmas are based on genuine situations faced by both veteran and novice teachers. Such issues usually ensue between the principal, school administration and parents of the children. They are: student-teacher, teacher-parent and teacher-teacher relationships. The passing of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act in 1975 by the Federal Government marked the first milestone in special education of children with disabilities. This might include collaboratively determining which portions of the curriculum they are best suited to teach and co- teaching portions of the unit. Early Bird Registration Deadline National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Objectives of the Study. What should he do? While the zero tolerance policy is used for aggressive and anti-social and behavioural in-disciplinary actions like carrying firearms in the school and bullying, the second chance policy can be used for the encouragement of better academic performance. These principles add to the significant conversation about ethical leadership happening within the educational community, and in fact across the public domain. The principles presented below were drawn from NEA’s and CEC’s codes as the closest indicators related to the issues; they can be used as a starting point basis for solving each dilemma. What is considered ethical often comes down to determining what is in the best interest of the student. Teens spend a large part of their day online engaging in behaviors that have implications for their health and well-being. The three broad types of dilemmas that emerged from. D) Interpersonal relationships are social associations or connections between two or more people. The notion of zero tolerance policy against the give-them-another chance policy cannot work across the board. Mr. Gregory should talk to Ms. Samuels about the importance of covering the required curriculum. A literal application of this code would indicate that Mr. Marcus should follow the testing protocol and refrain from reading passages to his students. It is the fundamental nature of conversations like these to not only produce some discomfort, but also to offer opportunities for discussion, self reflection and learning. Explore highly relevant sessions, led by industry’s and academic top experts. It is not intended to provide prescriptive solutions to moral and ethical dilemmas. To highlight current ethical issues in the field of teacher Education… (2005). At the IEP meeting, Mr. Andrews could share his IEP goals and his reasons for suggesting them and elicit comments and suggestions from the other members of the IEP team. These dilemmas include subjects such as conflict with a co-worker and writing appropriate IEP goals. What should she do? Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning. Javier’s parents are now divorced and he lives with his mother during the week; he stays with his father on the weekends. Mr. Garrison knows the importance of consistency in following medication protocols. You need to be prepared to deal with that. Mr. Edwards is in a difficult situation with Mr. Marcus, because technically Mr. Marcus is doing what the principal has implied he should do. Ethical Dilemmas in Experiential Education . She has just attended a meeting about one of her students with a parent, a special education teacher, and a special education coordinator. She knows that this is wrong. The concept of ethics is complex. In an organization such as the school, basically there are three types of interpersonal relationships. What is the perception of teachers on their curriculum with reference to ethical education? There is no one “right answer” to the complex situations teachers face each day, but grounding guidelines such as NEA’s or CEC’s Codes of Ethics provide teachers with a problem-solving framework. Dilemmas such as these may be experienced by any teacher at any time. Even though there might not be a definitive right or wrong answer to most dilemmas, teachers can look beyond the short term and consider long-range consequences of their actions, including the impact on their own identities as professionals. What are ethical responsibilities of teachers? Additionally, she believes that it is ethically wrong to alter the test results. This code of ethics should be used to guide professional behaviour and as principles to inform individual and collective decision making. Mr. Edwards and Mr. Marcus are special education teachers who work with third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade students. Ethnic sports and multicultural festivals should be organized at schools, helping to bring together students of diverse backgrounds and helping to promote unity amongst them. Most teachers try to suppress these incidences because of the unpleasant feelings they evoke. Mr. Edwards could work collaboran’vely with Mr. Marcus to review the standardized testing guidelines for the state tests and seek consultation from testing experts in the district. The study explores ethical dilemmas experienced by 100 student teachers in their final year of their teaching degrees while on practicum. While reading Mr. Andrews’s proposed goals, the school psychologist takes a red pen and crosses off the goals that would require Chris to learn to tell time. What would you do? Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. the new Fibromyalgia Treating by RedOrbit! Examples of a potential ethical dilemmas which could be faced by an individual includes an individual in a care facility disclosing that they are being abused by one of the care workers and pleads to another care worker to not tell anybody else. Professions such as law and medicine have created codes of ethics to communicate the responsibilities of a profession and to improve personal beliefs, values, and morals. She has spoken to this student’s parent a number of times, and the parent agrees that her child may need further testing. Using a code of ethics can help teachers make informed decisions based on the code’s principles. Michael P. Brady (“CEC FL Federation), Professor, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida. ... W.R. (2009), Ethical Leadership in Higher Education: Evolution of Institutional Ethics Logic.

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